
Married father sexually assaulted me?

by  |  earlier

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My step cousin's husband of 31 years of age kissed me last night when he was drunk. I felt really guilty all day today and really beat myself up about it for letting it happen. I didn't provoke it in any way whatsoever, but he did kiss me once and then tried making out with me. I'm only 16 years old and I feel used. Not in the sense that he means something to me, but people just take me as a easy target. I've been through worse when I was younger. Why do these things keep happening to me. Am I a worthless piece of bait that is just being taken advantage of?




  1. Yes, if you allow yourself to be. If you  would care; you would stand your ground, and call 911.

  2. I was sexually assaulted to many different degrees when I was younger so I do know how you are feeling. You just have to be extra careful with everyone you are around. No you are not worthless, I know it doesn't feel that way now but you're not. Do you have somebody you can talk to about this? Maybe look into some counselling, it sounds silly but sometimes they can really help

  3. Confide in someone you trust.  It not your fault in any way.  You are a minor and he is an idiot.  Don't ever think you're worthless.  You are what you believe you are.  Stand up to men and don't be afraid.

  4. Dont worry my frnd,

           U seem to be too depressed abt this issue. I understand how bad u r feeling abt this issue. But friend please dont lead ur life with the same issue and damage ur career. please forget this issue and please never think like that, i mean dnt think like u r a worthless piece something like that.

    Please stop it and if this is gonna repeat in ur case again, just do onething goto ur cousin and say her abt this and even if then he is repeating this then u can file a police complaint, so that they will teach him how to behave with gals...

  5. get to the ER cuz you need to have the exam within a few hours so that the DNA and other evidence is fresh and untainted.  the police and RNs will walk you thru the investigation process and arrange for counseling.

  6. Who does it really make sense to blame here, the inexperienced teenager or the married adult twice her age?

    Tip : you are not worthless just because mentally disturbed puds fail to value you. Your value does not lie in their eyes but your own. You know you are worth more; your sadness makes that clear.

    First of all, never EVER permit this man to be alone with you again, drunk or sober. Find someone in your family you can talk to and tell them why. You have got to get an adult involved who can protect you. If not your family, go to a school counselor. You have the right as a human being to be protected from this sort of abuse. It is up to you to invoke that right and demand that protection.

    Don't worry about hurting his feelings, he has earned it. He has no business being around minors unsupervised. It's HIS fault. HE did it. HE is the bad guy here. YOU have got to protect yourself. You could probably also benefit from counseling, to understand it is not your fault and not your responsibility. Ask your parents if they will help you find a professional to talk to.

    Seriously, you have got to understand that you are precious, and these things are crimes against you. You need to be told this over and over until it sinks in. You need to ask for someone to protect you as you deserve. People will help if they know you are being hurt. But if they don't know, it will just go on. That's not what you want, is it?

    I'd rescue you myself if I could... good luck to you, sweetie. I'm hoping the best of life for you.

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