
Married for Five and years and your girl tells you she doesnt really know you?

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I am married and my wife yesterday told me that she does not really know me. We have three kids. I was shocked and heart broken and I have not yet recovered from the shock. I was wondering your girls and moms out there IS THIS REALLY POSSIBLE to live with an animal for five years and not know it. What would you do if this happened to you.




  1. i think she's having an affair, and she just said that to p**s you off, to let you know she really doesn't want to be in the relationship no more. but she's too chicken-**** to just come out and say so, so she'll play these little mind games with you and say stupid **** like that. especially after five years...c'mon. i say let her *** go dude, find someone else. she ain't worth it.

  2. this is REALLY common, when some people cannot understand you or they have a problem with something they make excuses with other stuff, like this. But if she really doesnt know you, dont give up on her,make the best out of it (kind of) work on your marraige, dont let it fall apart, i think i first i would ask if there are any problems in our relation ship then it depends on what she says (what the problem is)  

  3. it's an opportunity to make a better marriage

  4. happens all the time.  two different creatures.

  5. I and my husband were married for five years with three children when he said that to me one night on our anniversary.Actually he said to me "we dont know each other"It really hurt because i felt he never noticed me,spent time with me or paid any attention to me.I felt like i had to tap him on the shoulder to get his attention.And the way in which he said this to me was not in a way like - hey i dont really know you and thats not good, but was like - we dont know each other(we were out on an anniversary date together without our children) ,this is uncomfortable.We had married very soon after getting together tho and had not taken the time to get to know each other comfortably before marrying and having children.Neither of us were communicating...

  6. i just wen through this w/my husband of 4yrs. b4 we got married  we only knew each other for 4mon.s and we now have two kids. ppl do change some for the best some for the worst. but if she just said it out of anger, just brush it off. if she really ment it ask her and talk to her and see what she really means. if she is just acting stupid and u know how she acts when she dose, then dont play her games and just wait for her to go to you and talk to you. cuz u have a family to think of and u dont need to play games when ur both adults.

  7. She might just be FEELING that way.

    Oftentimes, women may feel a certain way just because of her moods, but has nothing to do with her situation.

    You've actually helped her by listening, though. Try not to let it bother you too much.

  8. o wow

    thats a first time i heard that

    if it was me, i would just move on with my life

  9. LOVE IS BLIND.Take it easy men and don't get upset because it is human nature.

  10. I was married for 25 years, and at the end of the marriage, we did not have a clue who the other person was due to so MUCH change over the years. She cheated, we divorced, and that was the end of that. We were married, had kids, lived in the same house...for 25 years, without a clue as to the other's needs or desires.

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