
Married ladies I want to ask you?

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while still dating your husband did you find the moment that you feel in love whimsical? Well, it might sound crazy but I sure did. I was walking to the park, and not even with my then boyfriend (he was 4 hours away from me that day) I realized that I was in love with him. IT was so out of the blue and whimsical. So was your realization of love like that? How if it was different did it go?




  1. I had dated my husband in high school and college but we lost touch. 7 years later, we found each other on myspace and started talking over the phone.  

    The first time I flew out to see him (b/c I lived in TX and he was in CA), I knew my heart was home the instant I saw him.  It was definitely like a lightning bolt.

  2. For us, we fell in love when we were friends, before we were dating. He was working at a summer camp, and I'd call my friend everyday... we realized one day, that our days didn't seem right without a phone call from each other. It was a little scary when I realized that slowly, without my even noticing it, I had fallen for him...because I knew that if I told him, I'd either lose my best buddy forever, or I would have my dream come true...(fortunately for me, he was experiencing the same feeling at the same time!). He came for a weekend visit, and suddenly what was so casual and easy was awkward and full of was my friend, but I lit up when he reached and held my hand for the first time. So, at the end of that summer, we had a frank conversation where we asked, "Do we really want to take this chance? Knowing we could maybe lose everything? Do we want to risk it for the chance of maybe having it be forever?" And we went for it. And 2.5 years after that decision, here we are married 1 month and very much in love. :)

  3. I know exactly how you felt. I felt this way about my husband the first time that we kissed. It was at my house, and we were both watching a movie, all alone, eating ad cuddled up, and we kissed and I just felt like I was flying. It was a feeling that I never felt with anyone else and at that moment I knew that I was in love with him. And even now, even when he pisses me off, I think of that moment and fall in love all over again.

  4. Why can't men tell you about their experience?

    Heck I guess we can and you can choose to read or not right?

    I knew after the first date, I couldn't imagine NOT being with her for the rest of my life.  I even wrote a letter that very night saying that I feel I will be married in a year or less to her.  I gave it to my to be wife at our wedding rehearsal 11 months after that first date.  She cried!  That was almost 12 years ago too.

  5. Well, it was kinda love at first sight..but i really realized I am in love with him, after we broke up for 2 days:), and I couldn't stop crying, eat or sleep. We have been together for 6 years now with ups and downs but overall it has been great.

  6. whinsical is a good word for it

    i knew life would never be the same again but i didnt know what it was

    a few weeks later it hit me like a bolt of lightening

    "oh my gosh, i am in love!"

    and i never looked back

  7. That's great.  Lemme know how whimsical it feels when you find out he's cheating on you.

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