
Married man using me? I really need help!?

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I have now learned from my mistakes just to say first. I messed around with a married man 3 times over the past 7 months and each time we have messed around, the very next day almost he tells me that his wife finds out and we have to cool off for awhile. Well this time she did find out for a fact b/c she and I had a confrontation at the gym and before all this, he called me & told me that she was going to the gym to confront me b/c him and I both play racquetball and so she was planning to go up there while I was playing. He told me to deny everything that we did and so I did. Ever since that day which was Sunday, he had been ignoring me and told me not to call him nemore. His wife said if we had s*x, she would leave him in a heartbeat but I denied it still. He also would used to tell me I could call him and 1 day I asked him if I could call him the next day and he said YES & then went off and told her that I tried to talk to him at the gym. Should I tell her the truth? IDK wat to do!!




  1. Ok, I think is a bit difficult to have an opinion without being on the situation, but that couple is interfering with your life, so, first of all, you have to know what are you going to do with your life, I' m not sure if you finally split up with this person, if you have, well, they have to stop calling you and they have to solve their problems, is not your business anymore!. I would tell her, but just because I hate people who plays with other´s feelings.

  2. You are digging the holes into which you fall.

  3. just keep it to youself and if you are happy then stay that way.  But remember it is his fault because he is cheating on her, it is not you.  :)      oh and I love girls like you......   ")

  4. .......I really hope you've learned a lesson from this.

    Yes, you should tell her the truth. She deserves to know that her husband is a scumbag. I'll be generous here and say that maybe the guy was running from some marriage problems, and in that case they need therapy. She will probably be very angry with you, but don't let that scare you away from doing the right thing. I promise that you'll feel much better once you talk to her about it.

    This guy sounds like a total jerk.

  5. Stop messing around with him.


  6. Just walk away.  The guys is a jerk and not worth your time, you know that now.  What purpose does it serve to tell his wife?  Do you really need to break up the marriage to make yourself feel better?  Seriously, if the marriage is over it will happen on it's own without your help.  And if he's the type to s***w around he'll get caught on his own eventually.  Whereas if you go and tattle like a child you now put yourself in a position of having to tolerate the backlash from both of them AND whoever else they tell.

    Just do yourself a favour and get far, far away from this situation and when it all falls apart hopefully you'll be long gone and can take the high ground by saying, "yeah, I made a mistake but at least I had the good sense not to continue making it.  Last I heard they were together and everything was fine."

  7. you could tell his wife but that would be sorta revenge for what he did . really comes down to the person you are inside . is the pain if you have any worth causing for him ?

  8. 1. Tell the truth

    2. Consider the feelings of others and keep your hands off of married men

    3. Find somebody who is worth your time

    4. Feel better, forgive yourself and put this behind you.

    -I'm giving you the right course of action, not the easiest.

  9. are you kidding me, and you don't get whats wrong with this whole picture.

  10. you should have told the truth , and apologized to her . what were you thinking ???  stay away from married men  !!  not only will you be hurt, you will be hurting a spouse and possibly  their children !!!

  11. No you shouldn't tell her. I would think that you would have known by now how to mind your own business, then maybe you wouldn't be caught up in any of this mess.

    Please don't justify your vengeful  thoughts by saying that she needs to know and you feel bad.  You're only trying to ease your guilty conscience. You have done more than enough, now maintain the little  dignity you have remaining and bow out gracefully.

  12. I've followed this question in 3 sections. M&D, Family, and GW&S. What answer do you want. You mess up, you made a mistake. MOVE ON!!! I think you want some pay back, for being used. Get over it and grow up!!!

    You knew what you getting into when you started, or maybe you didn't. Either way, you now know the consequences of s******g married men.

  13. Dude your cheating. It's your fault. Stop helping people cheat.

  14. Youre helping him cheat. You knew he was married. So its your own fault that it turned into a mess.

  15. 1st off it takes two to tango so its not just your fault. I would tell his wife and I would not see him anymore. Even though I am a man and it normally goes against the man code to rat out another man I would either tell the wife or just plain quit talking to him. Dont let people get you into trouble if he loves you then he needs to leave his wife, otherwise he needs to grow up and stay commited.

  16. How unattractive do you think you are, that you need to 'settle' for a married man?  You must think you're ugly. Every other woman has enough belief in her own attractiveness to be able to reject married men.

  17. Only trash date married men.

  18. LEAVE THEM ALONE.  No more phone calls, no more visits to the gym, no more, no more, no more.  Get any ideas of stealing him away out of your head.  Even if you were to steal him away this WOULD NOT mean you're better than his wife.  You are mean.  You are a mean person doing a mean and shameful thing.  If the real you is not mean, then STOP.  Be nice.  Find a nice, single man, and be good to him.  If you want something to feel good about feel good about being your own man's Queen, and treating him like a King.  That's the right thing to do.  NOT talking to her, and NOT talking to him.  Leave them to clean up the mess you made of his head and her heart.  You've done enough to them.

  19. Find someone else who is decent.

  20. You've been obsessing over this for as long as I've been visiting GWS.

    You really need professional help. You are obsessed and unable to move on.


    Say it is all your fault because it is.

    You are going to reck a family.

    He wants nothing to do with you anymore he wants his wife wich is a good thing.

  22. Start charging them and they'll quit.

  23. always be honest

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