
Married people/Long Term Rel. people: does your partner still go all out for you?

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Does your partner still jump thru the hoops to look good for you? Do they still get you little surprises? Take you out for romantic evenings? All the good stuff.

And how long has it been?




  1. My wife is VERY romantic and we have a hot s*x life.  She took me to dinner and now it's my turn next to take her out!  I give her nice massages all the time and the other day we carved or names together on a railing up on top of a tressel.  We had done that about 4 years ago before we got married.  We shovel out the car in blizzards, wash each other in the shower, take care of each other when we are sick and cook each other meals and share the laundry.  Every morning we greet each other with kissing and cuddling and say "I love you" and we give each other mushy cards on special occasions or just because ...Yup, romance has not died here! ♀♀

  2. Yes, it's a popular misconception that ';the honey moon period ends after 6 months'. It can last forever, so far for me 7 years. If you want romance then have it, you just have to keep at it as you did when you were first going out. Go on dates, do nice things, buy gifts and remember ho special and wonderful your partner is.

  3. none of the above.

    marriage practially destroys the "going all out" part of a relationship.

  4. Yes, but keep in mind that if you still live at home your overhead is a lot smaller and when you get out on your own you have to work a lot more so limited time and money to do that stuff.

    run on sentence I know...

    Being married is not like dating it's like being your parents.

    It doesn't happen over night mind you.

    Gradually  then suddenly.

    In a relationship with my wife for the past 7 yrs.

    Married for the past 4 yrs.

    I like being married but it doesn't change who you are.

    I still look and lust for other women, she still looks and lust for other men. We both wonder and fantasies of what could have been or would be.

    Don't pretend you don't know. You order steak and catch a whiff of Somme's lobster. You might think to yourself, yummy.

    Back to the point.

    Dating and going all out isn't the corner stone to a marriage or a long term relationship.

    It's trust, dependability, and communication.

    The rest is a byproduct.

  5. I've been with my boyfriend for 2 years and I never know what we'll do next-he is wonderful and as exciting as the first day I met him. He does so many romantic things every day - it is a joy to be with him. I try to surprise him as often as I can as well.

  6. with  two young kids, neither of us has the energy for that. we are in the parent business now. we maintain the other stuff enough to keep it alive for when the kids are older. we are much more practical, we are enjoying being a team careing for something bigger than us. but that other stuff will come back when the kids are older. it did for my parents and was better than before us kids came along

  7. WTF are you talking about? Are you asking something?

  8. It is selfish of women to expect this.

    My partner asked me a few years ago: Why don't I bring home some of my girlfriends for his pleasure? He said it to make the point that women have created numerous romance rituals for men to follow, but women do not allow men to create sexual rituals.

  9. Married a long time. Does not jump through hoops period. forgets birthdays, anniversary. .mother's Day' He has always been this way.It no longer bothers me as it did in the first years. I don't mention my birthday, Mother's Day or our wedding anniversary. I just get dressed,treat my self to a movie and a quiet dinner.You can have fun by yourself.

  10. He is still himself, he still loves me, and that is more than I could ever ask for.

    It has been 3 years.

    Edit: 1st Class Woman, little seduction rituals--which men do also expect--are a far cry from bringing new partners into a couple's s*x life.

  11. Is it jumping through hoops, if you want to do it? instead feeling you have to do it? if yes...then yes we both "jump through hoops"

    Especially with him being military we have to "keep in touch" and keep each other happy somehow.

  12. At this moment in my life I do not know what I'd do without my husband.

    I'm currently pregnant with our first children(twins) and not long ago I was in a bad car crash that broke both of my legs and left me pretty banged up. Now that I'm at the end of my pregnancy I've started to have some problems and I've been put on bed rest. Through all of this my husband has been there every step of the way. He's helped me get dressed, go to the bathroom, take a shower, get in and out of my wheelchair, gives me massages, cook dinner, clean the house, buy groceries, do laundry, feed and walk the dogs, bringing me home flowers and surprises to make me feel better, called me many times during the day to make sure I'm ok,etc. Anything and everything you can think of my husband has done for me and even if I wasn't down and out at the moment I know he'd still do that stuff for me even though he sometimes works long days.

    It that isn't going all out for me then I don't know what is.

    He's a one-of-a-kind and extremely special man in every single way.

  13. Not at all.  My husband and I would never jump through hoops for one another.  We do things for each other because we love one another, and care about the other one.  We want to make the other person feel good.  We stay in shape and keep up our appearances because it is the right thing to do.

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