
Married people who believe in God and follow his Bible for your marriage?

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Why do we have a habit of picking out passages that best fit our situation. It states that we should imitate Jesus ways. Forgive and love unconditionally. So, why if a spouse, abuse, cheat, lie or just make us unhappy we become bitter and move on. What if Jesus did us that way if we hurt him?? Just gave up on us and moved on? By all means I'm human and can't get over cheating, but reading the Bible he says to love and forgive to continue to be blessed. So if we make a vow, how do we follow the entire steps of the Bible, and why do we as human pick out what's best for our situation/marriage? Really, how many of us read the Bible from cover to cover and fully understood your place in this world and as a husband and as a wife?




  1. Remember Sassy, you kept your word.  You were faithful to your vows.

    If he was not, look to God for the strength to move on.  And yes, you can forgive him when you are ready.  But forgiveness does not mean letting him back into your heart or your life.  It does not mean giving him another chance.  

    It just means that you forgive him.  And God would want that, if and when you are ready to forgive in your heart.

  2. I don't follow the laws of the bible.

  3. I dnt really understand wat ur question is, but all I can say is that following Jesus is the best thing you can do in any type of situation, whether its good or bad, and we do have to try and IMITATE Him, because that its all we can do, we can never be the same as him and he knos that. Our place in this world is to preach the Word and to glorify Him, as a wife or husband its to set an example for all those couples who are having hard times and to simply obey God. hope i helped somehow idk lol

  4. Jesus said that the only acceptable reason for a divorce is adultery, so we do not have to stay with someone who cheats on us.  However, I do agree that you need to forgive and move on.  You can't let anger and hate consume you until it affects every aspect of your life.  

    Whenever I am facing any difficulty in my marriage, or any relationship, I always try to work on the problem using Bible principles.  I am determined not to hold grudges because I think that is against what I've been taught from the Bible.

  5. straight up. two main reasons in the Bible listed ok to leave.  abandonment and infidelity.  no joke. now why abuse not in there i dont know, the others are

  6. Agree with first answer.

    I'm a Catholic and you can have the marriage annulled for infidelity and REMARRIED again in a Catholic Church.  EVERYONE detests cheating- EVEN God!

    And you better go back and look again.  Instructions are given for the duties and roles of husbands AND wives in the Bible.

  7. OK, let's talk a bit.

    First off, adultery IS a reason that God allows for terminating a marriage.  If your spouse cheats, you are free from the marriage vows because your spouse broke them.  By no means do you HAVE to get a divorce because of infidelity.  I have counselled many couples who were able to restore their marriage after infidelity, and I have counselled many who ended up divorced.  

    Now, as to what Jesus said about divorce:  It is permitted in the case of marital UNFAITHFULNESS.  That to me means violation of the marriage covenant, and since abuse definitely violates the clause to protect, I think that seperation and even divorce are viable options in that circumstance.  It is my opinion that God does not want any woman to just be a punching bag.  

  8. Wow, you need some serious time away from that bible. The bible is a great tool to refer to from time to time, but its not reality. If your husband is cheating, you need to sit his behind down, put down the d**n bible and give him an ultimatum. He married you, that didn't give him a reason to cheat on you. If you don't take your head out of the good book, you are going to be taken to the cleaners, and everywhere else as you are NOT paying attention to the real world around you.

       Those who refuse to take thier heads out of the sand, get what they deserve as they don't pay attention. You are not living in amish country, this is the real world, get with it. The Bible and religion shouldn't be used to run your life. YOU run your life, make your OWN choices, do what is right for YOU. Do you really think religious groups care what happens in your marriage? Get a clue sister, its all about the benjimins and what they can con out of you. The feed on the week minded.  Are you a woman or a MOUSE? Time for the good woman to Roar, live her life, see the real world and stop reading the bible.  

  9. infidelity is a cause for divorce even in the bible dear.!!!

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