
Married people would you ?

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if you were in a loveless sexless trust less marriage would you stay in or get out?

i can't wait to finally get out,




  1. Believe me you will not look back when you get out!

    If I can do it you can, it took a long time, a lot of strength but I did it.

    Being single is a whole new world, I wish you luck :)))

  2. Ummm........why would you stay?

  3. Get out if we tried everything and nothing worked.Good Luck

  4. loveless, trustless and sexless? Better to be out before I become mindless.

  5. IF that's how you feel, why wait to get out? Just go now. The legal paperwork can come later.

  6. Get out, life is too short to waste it on marriage, let alone as loveless one.

  7. Luckily, our marriage has none of those problems.  I would try to solve them as best I could, but if it didn't work, I would listen to the fat lady singing and move on my way.  

  8. Try everything possible to improve the marriage. If that doesn't work, get out.

  9. Pray on this situation and ask GOD to help you. You know what problems lie in this situation. If you truly feel that they can not be resolved, then your only out is to get out. You must NOT tell the other party that you are leaving, just go. I am speaking from my experience in the hospital emergency room. I don't know the character of your 'other half.' A lot of time, the person leaving such a relationship doesn't know either. I wish for you the good health and success of which you are entitled.  Peace!!!

  10. Yes!  Why stay?!

  11. Once you have made every effort to get your partner to counselling, and try and resolve the issue, if this doesn't work, get out.

    I got out of one like that, and I am now happy in a new marriage with a wonderful family.

    I never regretted my decision.

  12. definately get out.  You have one life to live and time goes by fast.  You should make sure you enjoy it to the fullest.  

  13. Not all questions have a yes or no answer. It all goes according to conditions: age, finances,  family or friends living nearby etc. If everything works in your favor, try to save the marriage before you get out.

  14. Well for pity's sake, when you put it like that.

    If it were making me that miserable then sure I'd think about leaving. It takes me a long time to do things though, so I'd probably loaf around for a few years complaining to my friends about it...

  15. Try everything you can to save the marriage. If you exaust all resources and still are in the same boat, then I would get out. If you have alreay tried everything and it's still like that, then get out now. I am the type of person that beleives in trying before you file for divorce. I hope this helps! Good luck!  

  16. Get out; a marriage like that will make you very bitter.

  17. If you've tried everything to get your marriage back on track and nothing has changed, then get out. Life is too short to be with someone who doesn't love you. Good luck!

  18. Out. Out. Out.

  19. I got out after 10yrs. thank goodness  

  20. thank you for the 2 points my friend

  21. Get out.

  22. GET OUT!

  23. Umm get out.  

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