
Married to a US military citizen in England but now divorced can I still get Social Security to work?

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Now has a vistors visa and wants to be near my son in the US can I still obtain a social security number to work in the US after being married for 2 years but now divorced?




  1. Sadly, you cannot do this if your former husband has not petitioned for you.  You can ask for custody of your son, but this is a very difficult matter internationally, and you will probably lose after spending a great deal on lawyers.

    I don't understand why you have a visitor's visa, as UK citizens do not need one; still, though I hesitate to advise you to do anything illegal, if you arrive as a visitor and remain to care for your son, it is very unlikely that you will be expelled.

  2. please be clearer on YOUR status in the US, under what status are you living in the US? and your ex husband is a US citizen......

    who has a visitor visa? you ? please come back for more details, it is hard to answer you this way .

    if you have a visitor visa ? you may NOT get a social security number;

    visitor are in the US for a visit only, they may not perform any work while in the US .

    if you have some comments ? go back to your question(in your profile) and edit it with the square and the pencil .

  3. If you married overseas, remained overseas and never received a green card before you divorced, then you are not eligible for immigrant status based on that marriage. Unless you are qualified for some other status in the US, then you have no ability to reside or work legally in the US. Certainly not on a tourist visa in any case.  Your child would be able to petition you eventually, but not until he becomes an adult.

  4. No, you can't work with a visitor's visa.  It's against the law.  You can't get a Social Security number without being a permanent resident or citizen.

  5. Yes; anyone can get a Social Security number.  The visa, however, is another matter; you can't work in the US with just a visit visa.

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