Married to a Narcissist?
Is anyone on here married to a narcissist or have been in the past? Did you know of them to ever REALLY reveal emotions. Was everything fake in an attempt to get their admiration or their negative attention? Did you feel drained of who you used to be by the emotional and verbal abuse and really cheated that you were not in a relationship with the person who you thought you were? Any more information would be appreciated. I am married to a narcissist, but I think I have seen him reveal true emotions when speaking about his family and his childhood and his abandonment from his father, but I don't know if that was all staged as well. I feel cheated in some way, but I think perhaps he is not a completely lost cause if he can still feel SOME emotions at least toward his family. Maybe his love for me is real? If that is the case then I don't know how he could abuse me the way he does.