
Married to cheating g*y husband. What to do?

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I have been married for 18 years. I just discovered my husband is g*y and has been cheating on me with other married and single g*y men.

He probably also cheats with women, but I am not sure about that. We are getting divorced. He is making a lot of money, we have no kids. He wants to keep the house and asked me to leave with almost nothing. I do not have any money to hire lawyer or to survive on my own. He is willing to give me a little money for the first year so i can get situated and find a job.

I am very devastated about the situation. He said if I get a lawyer I will destroy his life. I do not want to hurt him but I am also angry. He spend all his free time with his boyfriend, and it hurts me a lot.

Please help me- what should I do?




  1. After 18 years he's WILLING to give you a little money for the first year??

    Honey, you're most likely entitled to at least, HALF of what the two of you have together.

    You don't want to hurt him??? What about him hurting YOU with this cheating? Don't let him guilt YOU into walking away with nothing, so that he can have it all. He's the one who's destroyed his own life, and yours up to now, he chose to enter in a marriage, and then have relations with other men AND women. Not you.

    Get yourself a lawyer, and stop being his doormat.

    Worse comes to worse, he can pay your attorney fees as well.  

  2. Get a lawyer, so what if you destroy his life he is trying to destroy yours.

  3. get a lawyer,  he has destroyed your life in so many ways.  if getting a lawyer destroys his life then so be it,  it is something he has bought on himself. you cannot have pity on cheating scum.

  4. Save up for a lawyer, I'm sure somebody would be willing to help you anyway if you tell them about your money problems. Don't listen to him when he says 'you will destroy his life if you get a lawyer'. He isn't your partner anymore so why should he tell you what to do? Don't give him ANY pity! He was the cheater. You aren't in the wrong here. It takes time to get over someone you love, but if you really want to be happy again then you need to keep yourself occupied on other things. Easier said than done, I know! But once this is all settled you will come out a stronger person.  

  5. Gee, I'd get a lawyer and let him have at your turkey of a soon-to-be-ex husband.  He owes you big time.

  6. I know this isn't a big help but alot of men that have been married for years are discovering that they are g*y or want to live the alternative lifestyle but some women are staying married to their husbands

    In your case i would get a lawyer cause he doesn't sound like he is going to make it easy on you

    Get a lawyer don't worry about his feelings cause he wasn't worried about yours  

    if he is spending all this time with his boyfriend he isn't worried about a place to stay then Take the house and make him pay you for the rest of his life

    when you get a lawyer talk to you lawyer about Alienation of Affection

    he left you for someone else which has Alienated your affection for him and his affection for you

    I'm sorry you have to deal with this but seriously

  7. Congratulations on being married so long, sorry it had to come to this.  But my personal opinion, I would hire an attorney, because he knows that he owes you more than he is willing to give and the attorney will make sure you get whatever you deserve.  Stop thinking about hurting him, because he has already damage you and your reputation.  To h**l with what he feels or thinks.  Hold your head up, seek legal action and hit him where it hurts, because obviously his a** won't hurt a bit, he is use to that.  

  8. Don't be ridiculous, get a lawyer. He was willing to risk you feelings, wasn' he? The h**l with his. You go and fight for what you deserve. e basically took 18 yrs of your life and made a mockery of a marriage, so don't let him talk you out of getting something out of those 18 yrs!

  9. you need to decide if its worth getting an attorney..if the house is both of yours and you have money invested then i would say yes..

    if he owned it before hand and hes willing to give you money to help you for a year then i would think of that..

    theres no since in letting your anger and pain interfere with your judgement...

    sit down and really think of what will benefit you more, getting an attorney or settling it yourselves..

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