
Married women, how do you deal with your husbands looking at other women even if he is not drooling over them?

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I know my husband loves me and I know that most men are weak at the eye but does it bother some of you married women if your husband glances at other women?




  1. well u see,this means that u love your husband truly.u feel a bit pang of jelousy...

  2. It used to bother me, especially when we were newlyweds. Now, it's okay with me that he checks out other women. I realize that I sometimes look at other men, just to admire them. It doesn't mean I want to leave him and be married to that other guy.

    However, if my husband started chatting up other women or having private conversations on the phone with other women, that would be something else entirely.

  3. nothing. It's ok if he is not drooling. I don't make big deals out of such small things. Why fight over such silly things. he looks because it's animal instinct.

  4. i'm a newlywed, and while i trust my husband and know he'd never cheat on me, i still am jealous when and if he glances at other women, which honestly is rarely.

    i asked him once why men do that, and he said it's like noticing a tree or bird that's cool. that it's just another part of the scenery.

    i notice that i do look at guys, though i don't think they're as hot as my husband, i just look out of more of a curiosity.

    so no biggie, just another way people act...but i still don't like it....GRRRRR!!!!!!

  5. nah we are all human and as humans we look at other people..

    if my man didnt glance at another woman he wouldnt b normal...

    i myself while with him will look at a guy when he walks by...

    its perfectly normal to no i wouldnt get mad..

  6. Yes, it does and has bother/ed me! I have told my husband since our first date that if he wishes to look when I am not around so be it, but when I am on his arm do not disrespect me by looking at other women and I will show him the same respect. He is wonderful when we are together!

    But there are times for both of us when someone or something just catches your eye for whatever reason, big hair, bright shirt, camel toe

    (-: but it is a reaction that can't be helped. This may be the case with your husband. A glance is just a glance and usually totally uncontrollable.

    Try to be aware of how often in a day you glance at things that caught your eye... then try to control your reflexes, it's impossible!

    If he is looking at other women in a longing way, it hurts! But it's probably nothing and half the time when we glance at something  it is forgotten in 10 seconds...

    Good luck!

  7. It doesn't bother me. I know that I will take a second glance if I see a good looking man but that it doesn't go beyond that. Of course I don't do it when I'm with my husband just as he usually doesn't glance at other women when he is with me.

  8. As long as he's only looking who cares. When I first got married I use to sweat the small stuff, now i could care less. He not cheating  and he's sleeping with you

  9. As long as he is looking and not touching, why not.  

  10. He can look but not touch! And just as long as he comes home to me every night I am not worried about it! A person can not walk around with blinders on just because they are married!!  

  11. It would if he began to act ridiculous towards a certain person or if his eyes constantly roamed everywhere we went and it never ended.  

  12. It used to bother me when I was younger (probably that low self esteem all young women go through at some point). However my husband and I have been together for 6 years, and eventually the jealousy goes away. I finally realized one day that he loves me and our family and works very hard to take care of us. If that's not love, what is? All of us can appreciate beauty, it's just a matter of drawing a line and not crossing it. There is nothing wrong at looking at an attractive person, as long as your not drooling and staring too long. I'm sure you find other men besides your husband attractive (whether it is a celebrity or someone you know). It's natural. Look in the mirror and tell yourself your an attractive woman, remind yourself why your husband loves you and is lucky to have you.  

  13. It's no biggie.  I think it's not only human nature, but healthy, for people to admire other people.  Not to mention I'd be a hypocrite to get on to my husband for admiring other women! I love seeing good looking men!!  lol  Looking is nothing to stress about.  Acting out IS something to stress about on the other hand.

  14. Wouldn't bother me so much if my husband actually spent time with me.

  15. My wife tells me that when I stop looking at other women she will bury me. Besides its okay to look at the menu, you just can't order.

  16. not married but have been with him for 13 years ..  and no it don't bother me.. guess he can look at the merchandise just cant buy it

  17. He knows the expectation is look but don't touch - and don't look too long or too obviously. As long as it's someone he doesn't know I can deal with it. If he starts to flirt with someone, well that would be another story. But, as he is only human, I guess it all comes down to the bottom line - he may look at other women, but I'm the one he cuddles with every night! As long as we have that, we're ok!

  18. First of all its a guy thing, that you would never understand.   Some women in general dress very hot, s**y and sensual.  Some women, put on tons of perfumes, red painted nails, wear bikinis and show [expose] lots of pretty skin.  Jewelry, s**y hot tattoos on their bodys in private places and so on. They walk or stride very s**y!  They completely look hot from all angles!  Some wives or women dress very unattractive, with long extra large T-shirts and big baggy loose fitted pants,etc,etc.   Its really depends on how the woman dress. Vogue! Look on the bright side!  Would you want for your husband to look at men or women.

  19. I think this is an interesting topic Quia.  I don't think I feel jealous or upset or angry, but I do feel a tad bit uncomfortable when my husband did that.  The thing is... I looked at the full picture.  His surroundings, his interactions towards me, his interests etc and for some reason, that all helped me to realize that him glancing at other women is something that I need not to worry about because of the type of man that he is.  I do not know your husband but try not to focus on the specific behavior and look at the whole puzzle.  When you focus on little minor things, it brings stress and chaos to the relationship.  Trust is something that every relationship needs and if you don't have trust, you have nothing.  

  20. i am not married too young, but my father looks at ladies quite often, but my mother doesnt seem to mind because my father would never cheat on her or leave her for another women. So i suppose if you have his trust then i just let him look but not touch. haha. Okay Hope i helped! :) - Lindsey♥

  21. all men and women do it!

  22. Ughhh I hate it!! My ex husband never did it to me, but I think bcuz I have low self esteem issues current boyfriend pisses me off when he does it.  

    I jus told once that it bothered me and he can do that on his own time as I would never disrespect him that way...even if it doesn't bother him, its just not me.

    He respects my wishes and doesn't do it anymore.

    I think once I feel good about myself again it won't phase me any cuz ill Knowwww I look better then them.

  23. everyone looks. no big deal. my husband and i talk about who we think is hot. and i can appreciate when a girl is attractive. i know walking down the street if hes going to think the girl we're passing is hot. though sometimes im interested when im wrong too. its normal and natural. its not like hes jumping into bed with these girls. hes noticing beauty.

  24. Don't you trust your husband? Do you?

    If you trust him, then why is what he looks at an issue? His attention span isn't unlimited....

    He still looks at YOU, doesn't he? If he stopped doing that, then you might have a problem.....

    Egads! Don't you, as a woman, have *better* things to do then trying to be his "eye police" all the time? Whatever happened to just relaxing and enjoying his company? For crying out loud.... If you're *that* paranoid, I suggest you go join the Chinese secret service or something.

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