
Married women, how hard is it to stay slim?

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Do you have kids? How tall are you are how much do you weigh? I'm finding it very difficult to stay slim now than before, when I used to live by myself. What is your secret? I'm still skinny but gained about 5 lbs since last year. HELP!




  1. I gained about 30 lbs after I got married because I wasn't working. Now I'm super slim I work as a nurse 12 hour plus shifts several days a week and I get loads of exercise. I have a 2 year old little girl. I'm 4'11 and 104lbs which is perfectly healthy for me since I'm very petite. Growing up I was 90 lbs up until I was mid twenties.

  2. Better hit the gym fatty! lol

    Seriously, 5 lbs? Is that even noticeable?

  3. 5lbs is nothing and ive had 4 kids and my youngest is 10 months and i weigh 136 and 5ft3 and it is harder to stay in shape after baby's everything about us has changed especially our metabolism I'm normally a size3-5 so it takes me about 6month to yr to get back into shape after having a baby and there is no secret i workout 5-6 times a week and i try to eat healthy which can be hard at times cause well i have kids who want to eat thing other than salads and veggies everyday and i don't know about you but after a haveing kids the lekticity in our skin just are not the same so that also plays a big factor on how we lose the weight you have to reconstruct all the muscle tissue again and this sociaty doesnt help any either when the world thinks thats being skinny,tan ,blonde is everything  

  4. Five pounds is not a lot in a year but you will gain weight after having children a lot easier than before. Also the older you get the more difficult it is to keep weight off. You have to change your habits in your eating. Eat less portioned meals and less junk like soda, and junk food. Drink water. Also you need something for antioxidant to keep your body flushed. You can have any food you want but don't pile it high on the plate.

  5. yes one child. I am  5'9. I weigh 165 and 40 years young.I walk allot at least 45 min every day  and I got some salad plates because they are smaller and if I fell my plate up it looks like a lot but is not .I stay busy so I don't eat all the time and I don't buy any candy or chocolate.

    If I need some candy I only eat until my graving is gone not the hole bag.

    I have very little soda like on can a week or so.I drink lots of water .When you get older it is harder to lose the weight so start earlier with finding a way to eat better and less.If you don't like to walk ,clean your house very good or help others clean there house like a friend or neighbor.Don't forget to move that is the key I say and eat only what you need.You don't have to eat everything on your plate.  

  6. Marry a guy that likes big women. :) I married a guy that loves it when I put on weight. But he is half black, so black guys tend to like women with some junk in the trunk so to speak.

    The ironic thing is that since I know that he wouldn't mind if I put on weight there is less pressure on me, so consequently I have not put on much weight after 7 years of marriage.  

  7. I've been married 5 years and weigh about 35 pounds more than the day we got married. MOST of that due to having a baby 2 years ago.

    It is extremely hard for me to lose the baby weight! Slowly but surely, it's coming off though. I don't need to get down to what I weighed when we got married (not that I would be upset if I did!). But I would like to shed at least 25 more pounds. I'm losing pretty quickly now since it's summertime & I have a 2 year old to chase after! :)

  8. I have 4 kids from 11years-2years old. I'm 5'7 and weigh 135lbs. Every one tells me i look great for having 4kids.My secret is not eating  everything my kids eat and i stay away from soda. I'm a waitress at a very fast paced restaurant so i walk a lot.  

  9. I have two kids.  I am 5' 6" and weigh around 135.  I am very busy all the time and i have an active lifestyle, i train to run half marathons and i am pretty lucky at the ability to keep my weight down without much effort.

  10. you eat the proper food and exercise and you should be ok  

  11. 5Ibs is not much of a big deal..!

  12. big wow ! (rolling eyes)

  13. Yes, it's hard to stay slim - not because I'm married, but because I don't like physical exercise and I love to eat; plus, I'm getting older. I've gained about 10-15 lbs in the last few years. I'm 33, no kids, 5'5", ~135 lbs.

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