
Married?:Do you think you can ever be 100% happy with what you have or will you always think about others?

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Do you wish you could have one night, no strings and then come back to your husband or wife and carry on, or are you 100% happy?




  1. I was 100% happy with my husband, until he cheated.

  2. No one's ever 100% happy you just have to find something to spice up what you have.

  3. 100% Happy

  4. No one is 100% happy 100% of the time. That being said, I don't wish for a one night fling....I'm quite content with what I have, even on the "bad" days.  

  5. i wish

    s***w you for the thumbs downs. i was just being honest.

  6. nobdy is ever 100% happy. that does not exist

  7. Not at all, why?? Because my husband and I have been through He** and high waters, and back again to make our marriage work and we went through so many hard times, and it really bonded us and made our marriage stronger.

    There is no way I would have one night, no strings attached with another, it is so funny, people say no strings, honey, there are always strings attached.

    I am 100% happy with my wonderful life now!!!

    Maby for others, but not for me.

  8. This question is not about being happy with someone else, it is about being happy with yourself.

    Cheating shows a lack or respect for someone else and for yourself.  Honesty shows respect and integrity. Which type of person do you want to be?

  9. love these questions because i see how the salem witch trials happened.  

    MAYBE YOU CANT see thinking about others and being happy in your marriage.  have you ever thought that SOME PEOPLE actually can and that your answer is YOUR OPINION and cannot be stated as fact.  

    the swinger questions are the best tho.  you can see the burning broomsticks, pitchforks and bibles of the righteous.   lol

  10. nope...

    you asked two opposing questions so ill explain

    i think you can be completely happy

    i dont wish i could have just one night

    im not married... but ive been with my bf for almost three years now...

    and im one hundred percent happy with him...

    we fight and what not but i cant imaging ever being with someone else

    hes the only one that i can see myself coming home to everynight and what not

    if your feelin like you wanna have one night like that...

    then i dont think your completely happy and you need to get out

    youll find someone who makes you one hundred percent happy

    the trick is... finding him

  11. No way that I would want to step out on my husband for one night alone. However I'd love to be able to take him with me for one night of crazy no strings attached, fantasy fulfilling night. The problem is that there are always strings even when you don't recognize them and they will turn up where you least expect them.  

  12. No i dont wish to have a one night,no strings cause i dont want another man cause i love my husband more then anything and i would never cheat on him plus i respect my vows and yes i'm 100% happy with my husband.

  13. 100% happy is all exclusive and there are no exceptions of being unhappy. Impossible and ludicrous to even consider a state like this in ones life. In the part of changing all the good things I have to upset the marriage to risk it and possibly throw it away NO! I'll keep my high percentage of under 100% and leave my small percentage of being unhappy alone.....

  14. Do I wish I could have one night with on strings?  NO!  I'm too tired because of course I am not 100% happy.  I am a woman and for all those woman who say they are 100% happy they need to thank their lucky stars and hold on to what they have.  I do everything and I work and then my husband wants to be romantic!  Please.  Do a dish or dust or do something!!!!  Show the same emotion for our relationship that you do when one of your sports team is on!  Or better yet if you want a housewife then earn enough money so I don't have to work and then I can continue doing everything I do now just not have to put in 40 hours work on top of it.  Guess what?  Then I may feel romantic too!  So guys, if your wife works and you still expect her to do everything a stay at home mom does, then my guess is she is definitely NOT 100% happy and probably feels the same way I do but just can't say it.  Back to the one night no I said I would just take one night sleep no strings, lol!

  15. Very few people, married or not, can say they are 100% happy all the time! That being said, would I want that one night? There have been moments when I thought I might but then I realize that there is no such thing as no strings attached. There are residual feelings - whether of longing for that again or of guilt or of  betrayal or of fear that  someone might know. I guess those feelings that come & go in those less than happy times are there to make us appreciate the happy times more. How would you know how good happiness was if  you've never been unhappy? I guess I'll just limit my unhappy times to a brief fantasy or two - that one night will sometimes sound good but it would only destroy those 98% of the happy days that I do have.

  16. To be honest I am in that position right now. I love my husband but i am just not 100% happy. Part of the problem is as females we tend to push our wants and needs aside trying to full fill our man and he never returns the favor to us. So there for we always feel empty. I think it is a mans job to pour into his wife, girlfriend to keep her happy because she do it for him. Happens to be that once we find out exactly what we want out of a man our mind starts to wonder I guess this is our way of copping with the negatives of the man we are with.  

  17. No, one can be 100% happy all the time, it is not possible. And no, I wouldn't want to step outside my marriage for a one night stand because once you do it, you can' t undo it, and you can't go back to the way things were. That s kinda like un-spilling milk, once its done, its done. You can ask millions of couples and they will also tell you that it is not possible to be happy ALL the time.

  18. I never want to do anything that would change what I have with my husband.  Even though there are "no strings attached" you would be effected emotionally and mentally by this and it would change things.  We are all attracted to other people, but I don't think anyone in a happy relationship would take this opportunity.

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