
Marry or be fired!! What would you do?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Take this job and shove it. I ain't working here no more. Sorry, I had a country song moment.

  2. its says in the article that one of the criteria of working for them is that they are married so why take single people on in the first bloody place.

    personally id have steered well clear of the company if id known that.

    they should all tell the company directors what to do with their jobs (as in shove it up their ar**). but then again its probably a country where everyone has to conform or else.

  3. lol I'd rather be unemployed

  4. I would rather get the boot

    Which ironically enough is what i got when i got married (boom,boom!)

  5. I'd rather be unemployed too.

    That whole rule is so communistic.

    It's sickening.

  6. be fired thats disgusting !!

  7. they could shove the job up their ring piece, no body tells me to marry

  8. I much rather be fired. Who r they to force me to get married, have kids or fire me if I don't want too just because of some religous thing? I am soo angry! I would tell them to take this job and shove it!

  9. Are they asking this of their male employees?

  10. that is flipping rediculous!!!

  11. I can only give one answer..

    you're FIRED!

  12. I'd get married - IF they paid for it all - and I'd go Coleen and Rooney expensive lol.

    So basically they could stick it!

  13. Personally? I'd tell where to stick their job......

    ....but that's just me.

  14. Thats what they get for living under a backward repressive regime.

    Id rather be unemployed!

  15. Those people have yet to exit the dark ages.

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