
Marrying a US Citizen for papers...PLEASE HELP ASAP?

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Hi Im 17 years old. Me and my boyfriend have a 7 week old baby, we are planning on getting married qhen I turn 18 in november, but I'm scared because I dont have US papers.

I was born in Brazil and came here when I was 7 then I went back and came here when I was 15, so 2 years ago with tourist visa, but it already expired. How can we legally get married here in Wisconsin? Also after we get married what steps do I need to take to get citizensip or at least a work permit or someting for now....please help I'm really nervous especially because now I am a parent and I will do anything that is legal to not get deported.




  1. you have to start somewhere, contact your local immigration office, it may mean going back to Brazil, but you dont want to end up being separated by your child in the future. get your papers in order now to protect your family in the long run

  2. Well with any luck your boyfriend will be arrested for trying to aid an illegal immigrant and then all of you can spend time in a lovely federal facility.

  3. If your boyfriend is an American Citizen. You can get married and then Apply for a perminent Visa. Once you get the visa you can apply for citizenship under the family act clause. You can find the info on the Immigration Web Site and the Ammerican Embassy Site.

  4. You can have an American wedding, but that doesn't help your Visa or Green Card even if the boyfriend is American. If he isn't, marriage does not help you at all, one way or the other. If both are non-citizens, you both have to apply for visas.

    To get married, go to the County Courthouse in WI and purchase a marriage license. You have to be 18 to get married without a parent's consent. Only Alabama and Alaska allow 17 year old to marry without the parent's consent.

    Your child is American. Your situation is a little complicated. You do NOT want to be deported, that delays everything. You should find an affordable lawyer, specialized with visas. If you are Catholic, seek out Catholic Family Services.

  5. I don't think you can do this.  You are here illegally, and that isn't going to look good at all.

  6. You can't. Go back to Brazil, then have him apply for a fiance visa. That will be sent to Brazil, and you get it there. Once you have it,  you'll be allowed back into the US for three months, during which time you must get married.

    Incidentally, if he had s*x with you before you were 18, then in most states he committed statutory rape. That may well complicate things.

  7. well since you came here illegaly there's a problem, but once you marry the US citizen things get better though, it is actually a complicated case so you should speak with an immigration attorney.

  8. Even if you have a legal marriage, you may still be subject to removal.   When you take your marriage certificate in hand to file the immigration paperwork, the computer system will immediately flag your passport/visa as having been expired and that you are out of status and thus not eligible to apply for lawful permanent residence (through your husband).  If you do not have a valid visa, you are ear-marked for removal (deportation).  This precise scenario occurred to someone I know, and her husband was deported regardless of the fact that they had a valid/legal marriage.  

    Based on previous responses, a more sound option:  Have a valid/legal marriage (when you are 18, unless you obtain parental permission to become an emancipated minor).  Then, return to your home country, have your husband apply for a visa for you, and wait for your visa to arrive.

  9. The only correct answer here is MegChris'. She is right . Just look for a good lawyer for more information.

  10. You can get married whether or not you have papers.  That is not the problem.  Even though your Tourist visa expired, if you marry a United States Citizen he can apply for you.  File forms i-130, 485 & 765.  You will not have to leave the country to adjust your status, even though your Visa expired, because you entered with a Visa.  If you would have entered without documentation then it would become an issue.  Once you file I-130 and I-485, alone with I-765 (application for work permit) you will get your permit within 3-6 months.  

    I do not advise you marrying for papers because immigration will always find out.  I would consult an immigration attorney.  Good luck

  11. US Immigration law states that for you to be able to change status you must currently be in a legal status.  As you are not currently here legally you do not have a status to change from.  You will have to return to Brazil and apply for a K-1 Fiancee visa.  You may then return legally and get married, which will lead to a conditional green card.  You want to do that soon though.  The longer you are here illegally the harder it will be to get a visa.

  12. You need to return to Brazil with your baby quite urgently.  If your bf applies for papers for you while you are in the US, it exposes your status as an illegal alien and you will be deported and barred from re-entry.  Get your baby a Brazilian passport at the nearest Brazilian consulate so you have no problems taking your baby to Brazil with you.

    You have been an illegal alien twice now.  Were you deported before?  If so, you are permanently barred from re-entry, and you will do time in jail unless you depart voluntarily.

    Another complication, you had a child before you turned 18, which is proof of statutory rape by your bf.  He can be charged and imprisoned.  This will complicate your case and delay it.

    After you are back in Brazil and after you turn 18, your bf can apply for a fiance visa for you unless you are barred from re-entry.

    Absolutely nothing can be done to get you a visa or legal status as long as you are in the US illegally!  You have two choices: depart voluntarily or be deported.  If deported, you will probably do time in prison (this is your second offense), and your baby will be taken away from you.  You will also be barred permanently from the US if you are deported since this is your second offense.  With voluntarily departure, you will probably get a shorter term for your ban.

    If you attempt to work, get a work permit or anything else while you are here illegally, you are committing additional crimes and will go to jail before you are deported.  Going to jail means losing your baby.

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