
Marrying a french girl,she wants to come to india?

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I am loving a french citizen(srilankan native settled in france for last 15 years) she wants to settle in india with me. we love eachother for last 3 years.what are all the procedures,and formalities we have to undergo in france and indian embassys.which visa is better,what are all the possible hurdles we may come accross and how to overcome them? I am well settled with good salary.My parents have agreed for marrge.her parents are not aware of our love.she is very afraid and she doesnt know any formalities and procedures.whom should she contact for visa processing and consultation,




  1. Secure a marriage license to marry in France as a French citizen and apply for an Indian visa in France then bring these documents to India to marry and settle thereat.

  2. i think the benefits of french citizen is better than what indian citizens gets ?    always good to try to have TWO homes / be welcome permanent in either place .  

    both familes are going to learn about each other traditions / culture .  both india and france , very peace loving countries and peoples.  both of you are going to need to overcome both  language issues / sometimes families but families usually come together when two people love each other.   two couples need to keep families out of their private business though.  

    is there not a french indian consultate office ?   i think it is a passport renewal / tax and future benefits sort of decision the two of you need to compare and make decisions.  residency vs. citizenship benefits / immigration / status of future children.  maybe atty would be good to help guide you  both ?

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