
Marrying someone a friend already dated?

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Is it OK in God's eyes for someone to marry someone that their friend and/or friends already dated? Can a Christian marry someone who has dated other people?

Christian view...




  1. Yes, but you cannot marry your dead brother's widow for some reason

  2. Yes.


  3. God ordered brothers to marry their brothers wives after they died, why would he have a problem with friends?

  4. why not? it's not like they're 2 timing or married.

  5. When you buy a pair of pants at a store, don't you think someone else may have tried them on fbefore you?  Is that a crime?  No.  This is no different.  

  6. As long as she is not married to  the guys she dated, God will only be looking what the two will be doing with each other for the rest of their lives.

    Ask if it is okay for the man to live with the woman who dated his friends and look at it as a past and forgettable event in the woman's life.

  7. If you don't know the answer to this question, you shouldn't be dating anyone. Grow-up for God's sake.

  8. No I believe its fine. If they aren't dating or anything now or went through a recent break up or fight or something then no. Marry whoever you please and they've probably dated other people. You know, whoever you dated before is probably going to marry someone else its not like once you date someone you can't get married to someone else. Don't worry, your friend isn't with the guy, so whats the prob? jealousy may come out, but its marriage, and if they don't speak up the will have to forever hold their peace. ha, just marry the person!!

  9. yeah, gross.  

  10. its going to be hard to find someone who has not dated other people...but trust me there's nothing wrong with it

  11. Yes, just because they dated your friends should not be a factor. But here are something to think about. God has ordained that there should be perfect love and harmony between those who enter into the marriage relation. Let bride and bridegroom, in the presence of the heavenly universe, pledge themselves to love each other as God has ordained they should. The wife is to respect and reverence her husband, and the husband is to love and cherish his wife. Men and women, at the beginning of married life, should reconsecrate themselves to God. Be as true as steel to your marriage vows, refusing, in thought, word, or deed, to spoil your record as a man who fears God and obeys His commandments.  

  12. No. God doesn't exist.

    Yes it's ok to marry someone a friend of yours dated before.

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