
Mars has a hostile enviroment.?

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How about a prison there? Just a theory




  1. If you want to isolate people in a hostile environment, there are better places.

    My idea would be to pick the top of a high, isolated mesa somewhere in the Mojave.  Build shelters and habitation, fly the prisoners in by chopper,  (or parachute, for extra fun-time) and airdrop whatever supplies are needed on a scheduled basis.  (No TV, no luxuries, just the basics of survival.  Food, water, sturdy clothing, etc.)

    It might be interesting to see what kind of a society they evolve, if they survive living with each other.

    Cruel and unusual?  Naah, not by comparison, which is the only rational way to judge such things.

  2. Cost too much to get them there.

  3. That would be cool... But UBER expensive! LOL! The moon would be a better option...

  4. prison on mars? its a idea. but i think its cruel and unjust punishment.

  5. I think we spend too much as it is on housing child molesters, rapists and murderers. Sending them to another planet would be out of the question. A .22 cal bullet at the base of the skull and a land fill would be a cheaper solution. good riddance. I have no sympathy nor use for the above mentioned "people".

  6. It wouldn't be that practical, since there's really nothing that the harsh environment of Mars would offer than can't be given on Earth, except for a greater risk of prisoners dying in accidents (causing all sorts of controversy).  Also, current propulsion methods would make each trip (to or from Mars) three years long.

  7. If the govt. does so,it would become a punishment for the govt. & us than the real convict because of the huge expenditure the procejure would take, lol..

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