
Marshmallows for bait?

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Somebody once told me that mini-marshmallows can be used as bait, and a Google search showed me that they work for trout, but I can't find a whole lot of info on it. Has anybody around here actually tried using them, and are they good for catching other kinds of fish as well? Do you use them alone, or in conjunction with other types of bait?




  1. Yes, marshmallows work, but they are also illegal to use in most areas, and if you get caught, be prepared to pay a hefty fine of $250 for illegal baiting. However, using pieces of bread torn up into little bits is perfectly legal, and with a satisfying result.I hope this helps you.

  2. Yup, many fish like the sweet taste of a marshmallow. They can be used completely alone. They work very well I found out.

  3. MIni marshmallows are good for cat fishing too. The trick is to keep them cold so they will stay on the hook longer. I also have used cheese doodles for cat fishing. As for trout fishing I have no idea, but I think it would be worth a try.

  4. Use the mini ones mostly for stocked/planted Trout (Rainbow). What I'll do is thread them up to and cover the eye of the hook followed with a Nightcrawler threaded on the hook. This not only acts as float and keeps crawler/non-floatin' bait off the bottom (as randy made mention of) but, it also be an extra "treat" for em'. By the way, yes they can be fished by themselves, Have heard from different anglers that they'll use a' fish attractant on the mallow ie., Pro-Cure (Anise oil), Berkley's Gulp Alive (Garlic) just ta' name a couple. Hope I've helped ya' out somewhat ;)... < ' ( (( > <


    Berkley's Gulp Alive (spray form):

    Update: WOWWWWW, annnnnnybody that would sacrifice their lunch, especially it bein' a Roast Beef sandwich, in my eyes, is definetley the true'ist of all angler's ;).........................

  5. I've never heard of this, but I can see where trout would be attracted to the shape and color of a bunch mini-marshmellows piled on a hook... but a lot of fish 'hunt' by scent and there's not much of that on a marshmellow...

  6. Maybe on Fantasy Island - I'd like to the the law/statute stating they were illegal.  I've used them with great sucess, normally we fish them with an egg sinker with a barrel swivel and a hook and we put a piece of a night crawler on it.

    hook >>>> 14-22 " leader >> barrel swivel >> 1/8 egg sinker

    We used this before power bait ever came around... another idea is a red or orange salmon egg on top of the mallow instead of a piece of night crawler...

  7. Id say go for it... maybe colored ones would work better. But you are pretty much guaranteed better results with other proven baits. worms, power bait, corn. but if all you have is marshmallows its probably worth a try. BTW marshmallows that are scented work best, the problem with marshmallows is that they don't stay on the hook very well and dissolve away. try soaking them in garlic juice or powder or something.

  8. yes, fish them on a  single hook, they work great for trout, ive tried using them for catfish on the bottom but with little success.

  9. I use them by pinching a piece off  (about half the mini marshmellow is wht I use, others use the whole thing) and sliding it onto the shank of the hook, then putting the worm on as normal. The marshmellow acts like a mini float to lift the bait slightly of the bottom, plus it adds a color inticement to the fish. I have used this extensively on rainbow trout with great success, but found that a bass will not show much interest in it.

  10. I dont know about marshmallows but powerbait works well and fish/salmon eggs in certain places

  11. it works, I remember trying mini marshmellows a long time ago. rainbow trout I think.

  12. I don't see why it wouldn't work. really you could use anything for bait. I would pack other stuff just in case though. I would think a marshmellow would get soggy and fall off easy.

  13. Yeah, I heard they work. Some fish have a sweet tooth.

    One of my recipe's for catfish calls for vanilla, and there's vanilla in marshmellows.

    Any bugs or worms are natural bait.

    Certain states, counties and fish management area's aren't real clear on what the term "Natural Bait" is... Some consider live bait as bait  taken from the same body of water as you are fishing from, Some say frozen baits like shrimp are ok, and some say that baits such as cheese, bread, and marshmellows are considered natural baits... Best thing to do is check your local fishing regulations and any bylaws for the body of water you are fishing if you aren't sure.

    I caught a gator with a roast beef sandwich and marshmellow one time.
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