It all makes sense to me now. Why UN "peacekeepers" were to sit idly by while tens of thousands of Serbs were murdered and/or evicted from their homes under KFOR's "watchful eyes." Why nothing was done to stop the looting and destruction of countless churches and monasteries, almost all of which were hundreds of years old. Why a decision for independence was so quickly made...
Ahtisaari was bought off by the KLA:
* "Whereas, on The Finnish News Agency, STT, published on June 26 and June 27, 2007, two articles stating that the UN Special Envoy for Kosovo was "bought" by the Albanian mafia in order to support independence for Kosovo."
* "The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was informed that Albanian separatists in Kosovo had paid for Ahtisaari's plan which proposed ultimate independence for the Serbian province."
* "Brig. Neiman had recordings of discussions between Ahtisaari and Albanians; how they transferred money; the banks accounts plus codes in Switzerland and Cyprus."