
Martial Arts and Working out?

by Guest63760  |  earlier

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Should I work out before I go to martial arts or after? lets say i workout after martial arts.. will the martial arts use the protein i took for in for the day. since i do a lot of pushups and ab exercises? And if i workout before martial arts, does it mean iam not giving my muscles time to repair? and just breaking it down even more? Plz help me




  1. I usually do it after.  Since I don't know what we will do in class, I don't want to do a bunch of crunches, go to class, and " 100 crunches!"  You know?

  2. As a Taekwondo Practitioner, I like working out before practice so I feel pumped up and ready to go.

  3. Obviously you want to stretch before martial arts, so I wouldn't work out before...just stretch. After, you can work out.

  4. Weight train then do cardio is the best way to do it for developing your body.

    But for doing a martial arts class it depends if your earlier work out hampers your training.

    It is the 2 days after your workout when the body rebuilds the muscle, and when your body will make most use of the protein.

  5. i tend to work out after martial arts training.  i find that if i give my all durring martial arts and then work out later it tend to find it more satisfying.  but as for health purposes i cant be sure

  6. what sort of martial arts are you doing? if it is one that is heavily based on toning your body (more of a hard style martial art) then your muscles might not have time to repair. but if you were doing a softer martial art or one that leans more towards soft methods you would be fine working out afterwards.

  7. Protein needs to be processed through the body. It doesn't mater how you work out, weather before or after you martial arts classes. As long as you have enough stamina for both do both. You need to be sure to get 8 to 9 hours sleep and one day a week of rest and recuperation. On the day of rest you can walk or do some relaxing form of work out that does not involve strenuous work. Be sure to eat lots of leafy green vegetables to make sure you are getting plenty of minerals and natural vitamins to rebuild with.

    If you need a beter explination e-mail.

  8. i work out before and i do fine. You cqan only do weight training and push ups and that stuff for so long but martial arts is not the same. you can do it after and it won't be over training

  9. martial arts is working out in a combative type of way.. just always remember to warm up before you begin training with your style..

  10. Check out this video!

    Try a warm up first then train

  11. When I used to roll I would lift weights first, I attempted to do it the other way around, but after an hour or so on the mat I found that I was far too pooped to even think about lifting. But I suffer from asthma and have really horrible cardio, and that played a major role in the extreme fatigue that I felt after getting beat up for an hour.

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