
Martial arts Guidance Needed?

by Guest32806  |  earlier

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Hello my name is David. I am 15 years old and study Ryu Te’ at a local school. I have also studied kung fu for 3 years before this school, but the price had become outragous and my Mom is a single mother and on a tight budget. What I need help in is hard to explain. Kyoshi (my teacher) is an old Okinawan man who is very wise. He is revered in my area for his wisdom and combat skill. I want to be like him. He uses metaphors that are very deep and he is similar to a Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid. He says that this comes in time through practice of the arts, but is there a way to train for this? Please any help would be much appreciated. My email is




  1. David,

    Wisdom is a journey not a destination. You have already taken the first few steps along this journey. The first and most important step toward true wisdom is to acknowledge that you desire it very much. The second was to find someone who is wise and try to travel in a similar path. Wisdom comes with practice and education. It comes from a desire to constantly improve yourself, physically, mentally, and to educate yourself. Association with wise people is important. People who have a positive outlook on life are important to be around; they build up those around them. The can give wise council when you need it most. There are no shortcuts to wisdom it must come with time and practice and constant learning. Pay close attention to the details of life as they unfold around you. Every thing going on around you has a tale to tell. Listen watch and pay close attention to the sights and sounds around you. Make this a habit so that it is no longer work, it is just part of who you are. One thing I learned from my Father that helped me was to pay attention always be aware and in touch with your surroundings. Be aware of every sound every thing in your range of view and every sense. I thought he was a bit over the top so I did not pay him heed till later in life. Than came the realization that he was trying to give me a valuable tool not just for survival; but for learning from my environment as well. Be well read, study hard at school. pratice all the time. Do not entertain negative thoughts and feelings. Try to mantain along with all of this some balance and have some fun.

    Feel free to contact me any time through Answerer I allow contacts.

  2. I am in agreeance with the other members on this question, and am quite impressed with your attitude and clarity. You remind me much of myself when I was your age.

    Don't rush things, for as the adage goes "All good things come with time." Press on diligently and with every ounce of passion you can muster.

    This was a phenominal question and answer blog, a pure joy to read.

  3. David,

    What style do you train? Ryu Te literly means hand method or hand way, so either part of the name  is missing, or it actually Mr. Kyoshi's own style. Anyway there is no way to train for being deep and having wisdom, it takes time and experiences, unfortunatly not all of them good, but bad ones are ok as long as you learn and grow from them. Many times you learn more about life, and yourself, and how strong you cnan be from losses or negative events, then when everything is going good.

    Edit-Thank you for the style clarification Sensei

  4. Think about it like this; is Mr. Kyoshi is as old as you make him out to be, then he has probably FORGOTTEN more information that you have learned in your short life. And he is correct in saying that you acquire wisdom through practice, observation, and experience; you don't start with it and go from there. Keeping in mind that Mr. Miyagi had very good writers, Mr. Kiyoshi has lived long enough, and been observant long enough, to hold well formed and well thought out opinions on life's travails. The practice of martial arts is about more than learning how to fight and defend yourself; there are MYRIAD aspects of martial arts philosophy which apply to everyday situations that can enrich your life. Keep practicing, keep your eyes and ears open and your mouth shut, and learn. Do not assume you know the answer until you can test your "truth" against reality.If your theories can be tested and shown to be correct, then they are true. If they cannot, then they are simply opinion, neither right nor wrong, but untested.

  5. Yes it sounds like you are a student with Oyata Sensei. If that is the case you are truly a lucky person. After 41 years of serious martial arts training I'd love to train under him.   He is the real deal. his Kyusho and tuite are the real thing not the c**p many others are saying is.  The first time I had ever even heard the terms Kyusho and Tuite were in the late 1970's. And it was used in a conversation about Oyata Sensei.  Although I can't say for a certainty, I believe that he was the one responsible for the terms becoming common here in the U.S.A.   If you train with Oyata Sensei, that is as good as traditional instruction gets.

    I knew you had to be connected with Oyata sensei.  If you get a chance to meet Jim Logue, do that too. Logue is Oyatas top American student. Logue travels and teaches seminars. He lives in South Carolina.  All the best!

  6. Wisdom comes with age.

  7. Read some books about Wisdom.  Like:

    The Bible (Proverbs, Wisdom and Sirach, especially).

    You can also read some books like I Ching (contrary to popular opinion, it can be read from cover to cover).   Go read some Easter Philosophy.

    But, hands down, the Bible is the best book of wisdom.  Lots of people rag on the Old Testament, but if you read those stories like they are fables, you can learn a lot about human nature.

    Read the Bible.  And live.  And observe people's behavior.  Ask why they do what they do and ask yourself why you do what you do.

  8. David and Katana...

    Ryu Te is Taika Seiyu Oyata's art. Oyata Sensei is a Master of the Highest level. It is also known as Oyata Shin Shu Ho.

    The "old Okinawan man" you speak of has to be him... if you study with "him" personally, consider yourself extremely fortunate.

    From what I understand, he is actually related to the REAL Miyagi, founder of Goju Ryu.

    He is what is known in Okinawa as "Bushi", which means Gentleman/Scholar of Martial Arts and is equivalent to Knighthood.

    You do NOT need any guidance from ANYONE on this or any other forum... assuming the "old" man is Oyata Sensei.

    Let me add, for a 15 year old, you are very articulate. This is a good thing because with the training you are receiving, you are on your way to becoming "Bushi".

    I commend you.

    Just emulate your Sensei and you will attain what you desire.

    I went to visit Takamine Sensei in Suffolk county - route 25A, if I remember correctly. His Kobujutsu is very good.

    Stick with it young man.

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