
Martial arts!!!!10points best answer?

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i want a martial art that i can take off or beat badly 5 or1 or 0 people .i am 12 and very fit ,i weigh 35kg and my height is 140 so i wondered which is good martial art like i saw brazilian jujitsu and i dont reallly know or like kung fu or muay thai so really i dont really know i want a martial art that i could use in school,street and everywhere ,also should i get a dog or knife.please only reasonble answers




  1. Choose The Right Styles is not as important as The Right masters. For example, if you are learn from a average instructor,  you will most likely to be an average fighter. If you have an under average instructor, you will lose to any other style. If you are learning from the champion or ex champion, then you have a potential to be a champion. The correct training methods and experiences from your instructor is critical. (The effort you put into learning and training is also critical.)

    you basicly need to know what to do in various situations.

    So, you need to know how to fight from kicking distance to punching distance to clinging distance to ground fighting.  

    For learning kicks, you can do: taekwondo or  muai thai,

    For learning punches, you can do: boxing or wingchun, choylayfut, souther praying mantis

    For learning clinging and takedown distance, do: roman greco, bjj, sanda (san shui),

    For ground fighting: mma, bjj, wrestling

    Obviously, you don't have the time to learn every style. So sometimes, it is best to learn  mma, plus another style that you have the advantage.

    eg1, if you are have long, flexible legs, you may want to do mma and taekwondo (or kick boxing).

    eg2. if you are good with your hands, you may want to do mma and boxing, or wingchun or southern praying mantis. boxing is your basic punching style, whereas, the wingchun and southern praying mantis involve a lot more skills that can take to far. Their sticky hands is incredible, also they focus on striking for the weak points in the body, so a small guy can take out a much larger guy. Southern praying mantis (and choylayfut) have Iron Jacket or Iron Shirt training and this can be extremely handy in  a tough fight.

    Eg3. if you are good with the ground game, do mma and bjj, or russian sambo or wrestling.

    knowing weak points (or pressure points) in a human body can come in really handy in a close distance fighting and ground fighting.

    Hope that helps, good luck

  2. Since you are young and still in school I would recommend a school wresting program for starters, as this will give you the strength and discipline as well as a ground game.

    When you are old enough you may want to consider Krav Maga or Combat SAMBO, both European based MMA's.  Combat SAMBO is used by Russian Special Forces, Police and KGB, there is much lethality in it.

    I started Krav Maga at 14 and then had an extensive course while in the military.  In American Krav Maga there is less lethality, but enough to give you the conditioning and ability to fight if you must.  Krav Maga was also born in Eastern Europe, as a matter of survival, later more fully developed into Krav Maga once Imi Lichtenfield got to Israel.  All combat arts are about survival.

    I don't mention it much but I did enjoy my time in Kempo which is a constantly evolving art from which many techniques of other arts are adopted.  

    Combat arts emphasize lethality and injury of opponents more than other arts do, as they are designed with an explicit degree of lethality and incapacitation.

    Which art you adopt in the end is a matter of resources, money, time and what is available in your area, but for starters, I would go for the wrestling program to build core strength and learning how to fight, which is what you'll be doing.

  3. I suggest that you purchase this kit, it worked like none other for me. Well worth the $50.00

  4. Muy Thai is a very good art for standind up. It will give you a high tolerance for pain and you can inflict massive amounts of pain on opponents. Jujitsu is for the ground and will teach you how to finish someone in a fight. My suggestion is to learn EVERY style. If i must narrow it down though Muy Thai and Jujitsu. I was raised in martial-arts but I started MUCH earlier than you. 12 (believe it or not) is kind of late to get started. Before you start to learn you need to know that it is a HUGE commitment and it isn't always fun. Stick with it and please use it responsibly.

  5. Muay thai would be perfect for you becuase you can use it anywhere. Also see if your school has wrestling.

  6. A good martial art for you would be something that you could use anywhere and would offer a challenge to you physically. I would suggest Krav Maga. It was developed for the IDF and can be used anywhere. It is not a martial art that is showy or has tournaments and trophies. It is a martial art that teaches survival and can be used in any situation. I would stay away from forms that focus specifically on grappling or forms that focus on distancing for the techniques to work. Krav Maga teaches you to mix it up on the ground as well as situations where you are afforded the luxury of space for distance. It was designed to allow one to survive a situation where you are outnumbered. It teaches you to think and react.

    Hope this helps.

  7. All arts are effective on the street. That is why they were made. If your looking to take on 5 guys, then bjj is not for you. But the chances of being taken on by 5 guys is very unlikely. Try BJJ or muay thai. Try out different gyms in your area, see which one you like most. I would recommend trying mixed martial arts (MMA, UFC, etc) you will get to see all the ranges of combat, from when your standing to when you are on the ground. What city and state do you live in? I'll search one up for you.

    Good  Luck.

  8. If you are seriously worried about large groups of people attacking you then krav maga would be a good one to learn. It is a pretty ruthless style, you would be targetting the neck, groin, back of the head, eyes, etc. that are illegal to attack in any sanctioned match. The idea being that you quickly finish your opponent off and move on to the next.

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