
Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream" & "I have seen the promise land"?

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What are some economic, financial, and social issues of these two speeches. Obviously social issues are easier to identify, I am looking for any help identifying underlying economic and financial issues.





    Here is a good link in which you can do some research to form your own opinions regarding MLK and his vision for the future.

    Do Black Democrats hold the fact that MLK was a registered Republican against him?

  2. It will be when everyone is equal, no special treatment.  

  3. well it was a good speech on unity. but something in america destroyed the relations bettween ethnic groups in america and now everybody hates each other again.

    martin luther king was a good man who died for his belifs in a better future for all.

  4. Up until the Civil Right amendment in the early  nineteen sixties, during  the Kennedy administration, Black men were often passed over for jobs. If the were lucky enough to land a decent job, they were seldom promoted or received equal pay. MLK held peaceful protest marches to draw attention to the more obvious cases of discrimination.

    While you might think of this as a social issue, it is actually an economic one, because most of the Blacks were living well below the poverty level at that time. They were segregated, had poor chance for an  education. Without money they were living in poor housing conditions. Without money they lacked transportation to find a job or leave their area to move to another location to work. The financial implications are clear but the social issues are more subtle. Perhaps the wealthy just wanted cheap domestic labor so they fueled racial issues . Perhaps that is why we are seeing so many Mexican illegals allowed to enter this country today. Whatever the reasons were MLK was a man who was brave enough to stand up for the Civil Rights for others even though he knew he was putting himself in a very dangerous position. He was successful because he preached love and peace and his words touched peoples hearts. Unlike the preachers and leaders who only preach hate and degrade people, MLK "s words were meaning full and uplifting. He gave all people Black and White hope for a better future where we could all live happy and peaceful co-existing in an uncertain world.

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