
Marty Straka has signed with a Czech team?

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Here's the article:;_ylt=AhBfPN_PFvVqYQSRkv7U7et7vLYF?slug=ap-rangers-straka&prov=ap&type=lgns

Now, I'm not surprised... but I have some memories of the dude. I believe him to be one of the unluckiest players to have ever played in the NHL. Or at least he's a candidate for the "Worst NHL Season" award. First he breaks his leg. He comes back months later and in his 3rd shift, The Moose (Hedberg), his own teammate accidentally breaks his face (orbital bone). He comes back a handful of games later, wearing a full face-shield, and during his 1st shift he re-breaks his leg awkwardly. So that was not a good season for Straks. He starts training for the next season though... and a weight machine tries to kill him, it falls on him and breaks his back.

So, my QUESTION is: Who's the unluckiest player to have played for your favorite team?




  1. Chirs Pronger is the unluckiest player in the NHL, period! He rivals Courtney Love Cobain as ugliest human on Earth, and he has no skills, just like Daniel Tosh has no skills as a comedian. WHAM

  2. Well Marty Straka did play for the Rangers last, so I could say him, though your story obviously happened while he was on the Pens.

    So in that case, it's a toss-up for me between Mike Richter and Dan Blackburn.

    Richter was one of the greatest goalies in the history of the Rangers, and possibly the league. But towards the end of his career, after his first concussion, he would come back and suffer another. The following season, the same thing happened yet again, and he just wasn't the same.

    Blackburn had amazing potential, but a freak shoulder injury never healed right and he was forced to retire at 21. Can you imagine having to retire from what you love at that young of an age?

  3. someones lying here

  4. Well Lindros comes to mind.He has a punctured lung and then almost dies when the team tries to fly him out,then the concussions.He has another one and rips the team doctors for not picking it up,has the "C" taken from him and comes back for Game 7 against the Devils and we know what happened there.Goodbye Eric and goodbye career.

  5. Absolutly it has to be Dan Boyle.  

    His house almost burns down during the Stanley Cup Finals

    And then last seaon, he has a LOCKER ROOM injury (skate falling in his locker to severe several tendons)

    And then the docters send him back on the ice after missing nine games, and he screws up his wrist even worse because he was released too early.  Then has to have a 2nd surgey.  Then misses 30 more games.

  6. this move confuses me. straka was well above average in the nhl.

  7. Richard Zednik  do you remember what happened to him his corotid artery was cut in his neck

    another player i would say is Clint Malerchuck

  8. Mario Lemuiex. He was amazing already. But think just how amazing he would have been without the cancer, back problems and irregular heart.

  9. Eh, I always liked Straka, I was a Pens fan way back when at one point.

    Unluckiest player for Detroit - I guess I can go ahead and say D Mac (Darren McCarty). He won four cups, but he has a lot of personal issues, and he was/is in a massive debt. He also divorced with his wife I believe, was in rehab four times, I mean the guy was in sh*t, and things still ain't peachy with him, but at least he is doing better.

    Unluckiest player for Columbus - Marc Denis. He spent most of his career with a sh*t team, and he was liked in Columbus a lot, and then he gets traded away to Tampa, were he gets NO ice time, and that's basically Marc Denis for ya, a goalie with skills, but overlooked.

    Haley - Boyle also got kicked in the head during practice this season. I remember asking a Q about it, way back on my first account.;...

  10. Nooo.....he was suppose to return back to the Penguins next season! Kidding, Kidding. It was just a crazy rumor I heard.

    Unluckiest player................Like you said I have to go with Straka. He has to be one of the top 5 unluckiest players in the whole league.

  11. Who's the unluckiest player to have played for your favorite team? Patrick Marleau

  12. Plzen says they have an agreement

    Straka says they have reached a verbal understanding

    Straka's agent says no deal.

    Am I the only one who thinks the agent is trying to overstep his bounds here?

    If Straka wants to go home................let him!

    I've always wondered how many players ended up in places they didn't want to be because they let their agent do their bidding (reminiscent of Alan Eagleson lying to Bobby Orr about Boston's REAL intentions in the 70s)

  13. There has been a lot of people but i have to go with Jaromir Jagr because he wants to come back but the Rangers are not giving him a good contract. I really think he is going to go but i have fate that he will be back for at least one season

  14. I have read both sides.... his agent says he wont sign and hasnt signed with anyone until he sees what he is offered in NHL Free Agency.

  15. good get that worthless piece of garbage out of my sight.


    corey perry no doubt. you have to see all the times he get hit, sticks to the face, etc.

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