
Marvel 1992 trading card misprint, worth anything?

by  |  earlier

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I was recently going through my old binders of trading cards from the 90's to sell some on ebay and came across one that is a misprint, it looks like the whole print was 'off the track' so to speak, the card is angled about 20 degrees to the left of where it should be, such that the card itself has part of the bottom cut off and you can see the bottom of the card 'above' it on the printing press they were using.

this is what its supposed to look like normally:

now picture that but angled to the left with the word 'meggan' at the top left corner and half of the 'longshot' at the bottom cut off, and on the underside you can see part of the other card too. obviously from this you can tell they printed them in rows of 10 then cut them with a machine, except the time they printed this one the whole thing wasn't aligned properly.

I figure, this has to be rare cause I remember back in the day I bought dozens of packs and this was the only one I saw like this. I searched online and could not find any other case of someone having this same misprint so it may even be a one of a kind, anyone have experience with this sort of thing and maybe can give me some idea of whether this might be worth anything to anyone?




  1. Its called a miscut and they actually make cards less valuable no matter how rare.  A near mint miscut card is basically equal to a card that has a stain or pen marks on it according to professional trading card grading services.  Sorry to break the bad news to you.

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