
Marvel Vs DC which is the best of the best?

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Marvel Vs DC which is the best of the best?




  1. DC is the best definitely. Almost every Marvel story I  ever read had an air of depression to it.

  2. marvel

  3. I prefer DC. My favorite comics were always Batman and the graphic novel Watchmen.

    I think Marvel tries too hard in making all there heroes anti-heroes and they tend to overproduce their movies into c**p. (Daredevil, Hulk, Ghost Rider, Electra, Spider-Man 3, X-Men 3)  

  4. I like them both, but the numbers say Marvel.  Marvel has just about always outsold DC.

  5. thats like saying

    which is better?

    god or a piece of ****?

    marvel or dc?

    marvel rocks!!!!!

    ..even though they took away almost all of the mutants powers

    killed captain america

    and got professor x shot

  6. Depends on what you're looking for.

    I have always been a Marvel fan myself.  To me the "Marvel World" seems more real.  The heros and the storys, to me, seem more reality based not to mention places like New York vs places like Gotham.

    As for power, I honestly think DC takes it hands down.  Again, that's hard for me to say being a Marvel fan but Superman, Green Lantern and such would clean house.

    Villians?  I'd easily go to Marvel for that.  While Batman has some great villians, for me, most of the rest are REALLY weak.  Captain Boomerang?  Please!

    Overall, make mine MARVEL!

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