
Mary Hart was born 7 Dec 1818 or 1816. Who were her parents? Where was she born?

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Mary Hart became a Loreto nun and went to India in 1841. She had a sister Isobel or Isabelle who also went to |India in

I want to know the parents' names and place of birth.

Thank you.1841. They sailed on a ship named The Scotia. They left Dublin at the end of August,1841 and reached Callcutta, India at the end of December.




  1. Could this be about her?

    December 1841, when Mother M. Delphine Hart and her intrepid band of 11 Loreto nuns arrived in Calcutta from Ireland, they were housed in "a splendid three-storied mansion, Number 5, Middleton Row, a noble building, spacious, airy..." Earlier occupants of the building included Henry Vansittart, Governor of Bengal (1760-64) Sir Elijah Impey, First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at Calcutta (1774-82) and from 1824, the Second Anglican Bishop of Calcutta, Bishop Heber. On January 10, 1842, Loreto House School was opened in this building. Meanwhile, the construction of St. Thomas' Church, on the same premises had begun from November 11, 1841. The Catholic Archbishop of Calcutta, Mgr. Carew, also constructed a residence for himself next to the church and at the doorstep of Loreto House. This building was then known as St. Thomas' House. The only original buildings on the premises now are St. Thomas' Church and a part of the building where the college was first established. The Provincial of the Loreto institute in India now resides within the walls that first housed Loreto College.

  2. Hi, it sounds like you have a very interesting ancestral history!

    I thought Ancestry World Deluxe might have something, but I found only Census records and Family Trees, none of which I can verify are the right family.

    There are 3 public family trees including a Mary Hart born 1816-1818, but none of them shows a sister with a name like Isabelle.  They all show that Mary Anne Hart died in Ontario, Canada, in December 1895.  Just in case that might sound intriguing to you, the link to the page showing those 3 trees is:

    I looked for family trees including an Isabel or Isabelle Hart born in Ireland from 1812 to 1822, and found only an Isabelle married to a James Hart (so that was her married name), and Isabels and Isabelles born after 1840.

    I did another search to try to find their parents in the 1851 Census (I input "Hart", birth year range 1780 to 1800, born in Ireland) and got 727 results. I narrowed the birthplace down to Dublin, and got 2 results:  Ann in St. Mary Chapel, Middlesex...  and Anna in Christchurch Spitalfields, Middlesex.

    Do you know where Mary and Isabelle lived before leaving for India?  That may help...

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