I live in maryland and would like making an online shop (commissoning costume) as part time to help pay for school.
I know i have to pay 15.3% to irs for SE tax but:
1. what is the income tax i have to pay to the irs if i make about 12,000$ a year (net income)?
2. What the percent or amount of tax do i pay to the state of Maryland for the net income in #1?
3. Since it is part time, do i need a business license/permit/tader license or other legal document to sell online or at all?
4. When i pay estimate tax to the IRS, does the amount payed to the IRS cover both IRS and Maryland tax owed or do i have to pay sepereatly to IRS and MAryland?
5. What percent i shoud withhold to pay the IRS and Maryland tax? (15.3% SE tax + Income tax % + maryland tax % = ?)
I don't have an accountant now since i'm plannign to only have a part time shop but if i must i will find one. If i need one, how much will they chrage for questioning service or service in general for me?