
Maryland and IRS tax for online business?

by Guest66996  |  earlier

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I live in maryland and would like making an online shop (commissoning costume) as part time to help pay for school.

I know i have to pay 15.3% to irs for SE tax but:

1. what is the income tax i have to pay to the irs if i make about 12,000$ a year (net income)?

2. What the percent or amount of tax do i pay to the state of Maryland for the net income in #1?

3. Since it is part time, do i need a business license/permit/tader license or other legal document to sell online or at all?

4. When i pay estimate tax to the IRS, does the amount payed to the IRS cover both IRS and Maryland tax owed or do i have to pay sepereatly to IRS and MAryland?

5. What percent i shoud withhold to pay the IRS and Maryland tax? (15.3% SE tax + Income tax % + maryland tax % = ?)

I don't have an accountant now since i'm plannign to only have a part time shop but if i must i will find one. If i need one, how much will they chrage for questioning service or service in general for me?




  1. 1. This depends on your TOTAL income and filing status. Get the instructions to form 1040-ES to calculate this. If you are single, no dependents and this is your only income, you are in the 10% tax bracket. Tax on $12000 is $305 after exemptions and standard deduction.

    2. Maryland has a nice estimated tax calculator at

    3. see link below

    4. Separately

    5. see above

    You also need to charge sales tax on sales to Maryland and New York.

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