
Marzocchi 55 vs. DJ 3?

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I was looking into buying a Kona Cowan and I was wondering what fork i should get. I was deciding between a Marzocchi 55 or a DJ 3. I will be getting a bike park near my house and I wil be taking it on some freeride trails. I was wondering which one would be better for this stuff. I will also have to pedal it places.




  1. i would choose the marzocchi


  2. Go with the Fox.  Marzocchi is having reliability issues on their 55 series (and forks with the TST cartridge).

  3. Hey

    I reacon go for the fox

    The DJ's are good forks but as their name says, they're a Dirt Jumping fork so not alot of travel.

    The fox are good, probably better than the 55's in my opinion so as i said good with them.

    If you tell me what type of riding you'll mainly be doing and how much you want spend i can help you more.
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