
Masculists, what are they about, do they have a lunatic fringe?

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or are they a respectable group?




  1. Masculists fight for men's rights. They keep feminists from getting too power (I'm with that). People like d**k Materson are a little overboard. Women don't understand the damages of feminism and what it has caused.

  2. they want rights for men that women have and men dont have, if feminism is a respectable group, then lets respect the masculists also

  3. Are you asking what masculinists are about?  If they have a lunatic fringe you are certainly in it.  Look in the mirror and answer your own question.

  4. So far I haven't see or heard  of any lunatic fringe from the masculist movement.   At least masculists haven't wrote any book like the SCUM manifesto, fight for sexist law like the VAWA, write anti-women literature or have any radicals like these

  5. I see the feminists in this section complaint about masculist, but so far I haven't see or meet any yet.  I know men who care about men's rights but never meet any masculist.

    EDIT@Rio: d**k Masterson is a masculist?  Since when?

  6. Everyone has a lunatic fringe. For masculinists, it's people like d**k Masterson and Robert Bly.

  7. whoa there!! I resemble that remark and I don't were fringe!!!


    hehehe just for you.

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