
Masse with Jump Cues?

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I have a jump cue and when I use it for some reason people always ask me Is that good for Masse shots. I tell them I don't think. I use my shooting cue when I Masse or attempt to. Am I right or wrong about this. Thanks




  1. Matt's right. Phenolic tips will be difficult to masse with. Leather tips might be able to do both jump and masse ok, but won't do either really well. Truth be told, it would probably be easier to masse with your playing cue. The weight definitely helps. Most masse cues are over 21oz, and some exceed the BCA specs and go upwards of 30oz. Some of the jump-masse shots you see around the internet are done just with the shaft of a jump cue with a leather tip.

  2. It depends what kind of tip you have on your jump cue. If you have a leather tip it might be decent for those straight up and down, power masse shots, but if it has a phenolic or other extremely hard tip, I don't think you'd get enough grip to be consistent. I don't know that it would be a huge improvement over your playing cue though. Tim probably knows more about this, but some trick shot artists do use masse cues that are shorter than standard playing cues but still longer than jump cues. That would be a waste for the average player though.

  3. ?? I never tried it but I can draw off a jump shot so I guess it can be done But I wouldnt think you would get an honest stroke off a jump stick "Try it" ???
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