
Master's degree has to be in related area?

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If I want to earn a Master's degree in Education (for example), do I need to have a Bachelor's degree in Education or can I jump, let's say, from a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology to a Master of Education?

Thanks for your answer beforehand




  1. It's usually a good thing if your undergrad is in a similar or related field as your graduate degree(s), but that's not necessarily a requirement.  If you can convince the program(s) you're applying to that you are a good student and can do good work, they'll probably take you under the conditions that you have to perhaps take a few classes your first semester or two to make up for the background you don't have that their core graduate classes need.

    I don't think it'd be too hard in the example you're giving.  Education seems to like taking all sorts of backgrounds.

    P.S.  No, you don't actually even need a BS in engineering to go to grad school in engineering like was said earlier.  I've had friends come in from science fields and leave with MS and Ph.D. degrees in engineering. . . you just have to make up some science and math classes first, usually.

  2. this depends on the master degree. Look at the website of the university of your interest and they should state the requirements for the Master degree. Eg. to pursue a Masters in Electrical or Computer Engineering usually requires a Bach in the same degree or close relations.. A Masters in System Engineering only require a Bach in ANY engineering field. So yea.. it varies from degree to degree and the foundation of the Masters.

  3. Your masters degree doesn't necessarily have to be in a field related to your undergrad degree. There are some fields where it has to be related - for example, if you wanted an MS in mechanical engineering, your BS must have been in engineering. But in many subjects, there doesn't need to be a direct relationship. In fact, in many states, to teach in high school, for example, your undergrad degree must be in the subject you plan to teach - math, English, history, French, etc. - while your grad degree needs to be in education or related.

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