
Master's degree in Geography. Good idea?

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What about job prospects? I hate to relate education to jobs, but it would be nice if it would open some doors. I have a couple of bachelor's degrees already.

I think some people will not even see it as a legitimate field.

They'll say: "I took Geography is Junior high school and I thought it was for kids."




  1. the people I know with geography degrees do GIS.  I think you would end up with GIS or teaching... or you can just study for Jeopardy!  and hope to get on a really good winning streak...

  2. A Master's degree in anything is a good idea...

    The people who make fun of you are the people who wish they had your education....

  3. I don't think it is a good idea unless you want to teach Geography at a school.  I have a few friends who got geography undergrad degrees and none of them have jobs in their field because there aren't that many jobs available (at least not where I live).  Before you go for it, try searching on job posting websites and see if there is anything that you would like to do that requires a masters in geography.  The return might not be worth the investment.  Good luck with whatever you choose though.

  4. lol

    If ever Rand-McNally needs anyone, it should be you.

    (OK.. pop quiz.. what's the Capitol of Canada?) That's a question that 95% of Americans can't answer, and it cracks me up.. use that with your interviewer, whatever the job -- as I'd bet you can 'break the ice' with that one, as it's CANADA and sure to get a smile, if you're playful about it. (it's yours for free, no charge). And GL.

  5. There are some areas that have a good job market at the moment. I am finishing my BA in 3 months and have been looking into it. GIS is well paid and there are jobs going but you need to be particularly good at it. Urban planning is one that should provide jobs. Political geography is also becoming more popular. Social geographies in general are easier to get work in. My Dad has a doctorate in geology and he earns plenty when he finds work but it is very difficult to find.

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