
Master's degree in Preschool Special Education or Secondary School Education?

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I have earned a degree in Graphic Design in Cal State University system and looking for a career change after being a stay at home mom for sometime. Or how is the outlook for specializing in Art in the Special Ed. Will it help? I am looking for people who knows the pros and cons of the 2 programs or any suggestions for earning Master's the quickest way? ( I am leaning toward these online "universities" that offers online courses and always show up as pop-up on the screen...) Help Please!!!!




  1. search for 'art therapy'

    i don't know what type of degree you need-

    may be able to do both special ed or art education

    there are special needs schools that hire art teachers-

    the jobsa re limited-but so are the people to fill the position-

    you could fall back on being a special ed classroom teacher or a mainstream art teacher until an art therapy position opens--

    you may be able  to get a job with younger children where art is a large part of their day-to learn letters, numbers, fine motor, sensory skills etc...

  2. There really is no specialization in art for special education. Depending on your state, you can take a certification test and start teaching art. If you wanted to pursue a master's degree in special ed, it depends on what age level you would rather teach. My master's is in Special education-collaboration K-12. I knew I wanted to teach secondary, but I have the certification to teach all grades. It took a year and a half to graduate. There is also an early childhood special education option which is birth to grade 2 if you wanted to teach the really young kids. It is a great field and is in extreme demand, I was bombarded with offers 2 semesters before I graduated. In many states, if you choose to teach secondary special ed, the state will pay tuition reimbursement, or pay for you tuition up front, as long as you sign a contract stating that you will work in that state. Also many universities offer distance education, I would choose to do that over an online university.

    Good Luck!

  3. Being a special education teacher is time consuming and draining - if you are not willing to put forth the effort into a degree, is this the right choice for you?  My teacher hours are 7:10 - 2:45, however I actually work from 6:45 to 5:00 and I bring work home at nights and on the weekends.  I also have to take continuing education classes and mandatory training classes over the summer.  I love what I do, but the turn over in special education is substantial.

    If you truly want to do this, then I would suggest that you stay away from "online" institutions.  You will have to do student teaching at some point and obviously this can't be done online.  Also, you have to attend a school that is accredited by the CA Department of Education - not just any old school.  

    You will also have to become highly qualified (I'm sure you've heard of No Child Left Behind) in a subject area (in this case elementary education) and you will also have to take a similar test for special education

    If your first degree is a bachelors (and it is not too old), you will already have earned some of the basic credits (English 101, etc.).  In my school district, we have several programs that offer those with a bachelors degree in "whatever" a fast track into a masters degree program (usually in about 18 months) for high needs areas (i.e. special education, science, math).

    As far as what to pick, "art" is being cut across the country as is music and PE.  If you are considering special education, I would suggest backing it up with elementary education certification as well (you'll have more options) than if you select pre-school.

    Just my 2 cents...

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