Hi, here is the thing, my dad had my mom's credit card in his pocked a few days ago then he went out shopping with my sister and when he came back he realized he had paid with my mo's sears mastercard instead of him, and he signed the receip...his card is exactly the same as my mom's the only difference is the name that's why he got confused when he paid...then a few days later my mom needed to pay something over the internet and asked me for help, so I did but the card didn't go trugh so I just used another card and kinda forgot about it but I just told my dad today and he told me all of this and well, I remember my bf told me of the time his stepfather gave him his card to go out and buy something and that my bf signed the receipt and then some time later his stepfather's ard got suspended becuase the sgnature was not the same as his stepfather's...so I'm just guessing my mom's credit card got suspended because of my dad's mistake...is this possible? I just told my dad my bf's experience with all this...and my dad told me he didn't know that all that could happen because of a signature, so....why should we do now? I think my bf told me they give you a fine but i'm not sure...Is my mom going to get her card revoked or something? Also...m mom has this bad habit of siging her stuff with slihgth difference like someimes she drwas a loop and sometimes not...and oh well ...sometimes she signs different...can this also be the cause? Thank You.