
Master plan!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have a great plan for all you people who wants to invest there money!!!!Everyone knows that if you had a million dollars and left it in the bank to accumulate interest,you would probably get a good return!!Assuming everyone could be trusted,why can't ten people invest $100,000 each in one account then wait for the return and split it ten ways ongoing without ever touching the million dollars?just split the interest?....amount of people and money can vary,but do you get the idea???




  1. You know that you get the same interest rate for 100,000 as 1,000,000 dollars so you would end up in the same postion as if you had invested alone.

  2. Are you thinking that larger accounts get better interest rates ? Sorry, that's not the case.... just another misconception put forth by the " rich guys are evil "  people .
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