
Masterbating pleaaase <span title="help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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hi im 13 years old and i love masterbating i try to everyday and i was wondering if it can cause and wierd things to happen like blindness and other things like that or can it cause my p***s to shrink or stop growing? please help




  1. I love masturbating too and have been at it longer than you with no harmful effects at all.

    You are absolutely normal so stop worrying and enjoy as much masturbating as you want.  

  2. yea, like Everyone elese keeps saying its normal. Yes Ninjas do it Too...I look Forwent in killing you soon

  3. No!

    The only thing that may happen is you&#039;ll get sore, bored, and consume your time.

    Once or twice a day is common. Some do it more and some do it less.


  4. If masturbating made you blind you would already be losing your eye sight and there would be 1 million blind men. ALL males m********e and usually they m********e from the time they are teenagers until they die. Yes even married men and your dad.

  5. Aaron, Masturbating at thirteen is actually quite normal. Your hormones are starting to change and you start to experience feelings you have never felt before. Obviously you have found masturbation feels good. It doesn&#039;t cause blindness, nor will it cause your p***s to shrink or fall off, But if you are becoming obsessed with masturbation, then it would probably be a good idea to talk to your father or another male figure you trust. It is important that you realize, these feelings are natural, it&#039;s part of a boy becoming a man.

  6. I can say from experience I&#039;ve been stroking it since I was 14 and I have never lost any eyesight and I have a decent size so stop worrying.

  7. Masturbation is a normal activity that almost all teen guys do. Your not doing it to much, it cant hurt you.

  8. nope, its perfectly natural.

    its a way to get to know your body and make yourself happier.

    it was meant to happen. do it as often as you want!

  9. Daily masturbation is absolutely normal, and you won&#039;t go blind, nor will anything shrink. Enjoy it and relax!

  10. Masturbation is merely a substitute for intercourse.  Think about it.

  11. Its fine. It won&#039;t shrink, nor will hair grow on your palms. You won&#039;t go blind. These are all myths. If they were true, you would see a lot of blind, hairy palmed guys running around.  

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