
Masterbation question?

by Guest66969  |  earlier

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well iam 13 years old and i been masterbating for 8 months now and my question is

is there a sertain age were you lose interste of masterbation like you dont have to do it any more ?




  1. Nope, your penor is your best buddy for life.

  2. either you're having so much s*x that you don't need to m********e, or you get ED and it won't go up anymore... otherwise, you're right hand will be your best friend for the rest of your life

  3. There is no limit to it. You lose interest if you overdo it.

  4. Not really, some guys lose interste, when they get a woman in their life, but even after the woman comes into your life, most men will still do it......the good part is, there's nothing wrong with it, my husband does it when I'm not feeling well.....

  5. I would say when you start to have s*x

  6. welll maybe get a girlfriend!

  7. nope....guys m********e even when they're in their 20's 30's...

    40's?i think is alittle old but i guess some might:)

    no guy ever looses "interest" in pleasure hahah

    **love your hand!**

  8. You probably wont ever lose interest.

    It's a common thing.

    All I have to say is love Jill.


    [Jill is your hand,the thumb and index finger make the J,

    And the others make the i.l.l. :D]

  9. NOP, lol.

    Let me put it 2 U this way.

    I'm 45 & sometimes I do it 2 or 3 times a day, hehehe.

    U'll NEVER, NEVER, NEVER going 2 loose interest, hehehe

    Men can still do it even when their 100, okay mind U, it mite take a heck of a lot of time to get there though, but U can still do it & keep on doing it, lol.

    Ain't it nice 2 be a man ?  

  10. i am 13 too. after a 1 year it will start to get old and you will do it less and less. i have do it for 1 1/2 year

  11. In your early teen years you m********e often even several times a day.  The main reason for this is your body is producing large amounts of testosterone which keeps your body in an easily aroused state.  When you get to about 15 or 16 you will level off and m********e about 4 to 5 times a week as the need arises.  When you get into your late teens you may m********e even less.  As an adult male you will m********e as you feel the need but it will not be very often and when you get a s*x partner you may even give up masturbation except for times when your partner is not available (like pregnancy, or long trips away from you, or illness of partner)  As an adult you may make masturbation part of your heterosexual routine and that is good.  A few things to remember.  It is vey healtlhy for a man to ejaculate 3 to 5 times a week.  Masturbation is good for you and helps you to develop your sexuality.  It is normal and as you get older it will lessen.  Just keep it personal and private like all of your s*x.

  12. hmm maybe when your alot older but for the next 20yrs your gonna want to do it still.  

  13. When you bridal yourself like a horse you will no longer injoy it
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