
Masters in Art Education

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Hi, I have my masters in art ed. meaning, I am a certified art teacher. I have not been able to find a teaching position for about 5 years.

My question is, can i simply become a general ed teacher, like a grade school teacher, or do i need to go back to school for classes? any feedback would be appreciated. thanks.




  1. Because of No Child Left Behind, you must be a highly qualified teacher.  That is a nation-wide program.  This means that you must have completed an education program in the area you wish to teach in.  In NC, since we need teachers so badly, the policy is they will employ you with a provisional certificate and you have two years to complete the classes you need in order to be fully certified.  

    In my experience it is easier to go down this route if you wish to teach a subject area in middle or high school.  Early Education programs have such different required classes that most have to take a full 3 years of classes.  In order to be highly qualified in a subject area you only have to a have a minor in it.

    I don't know where you have been looking for jobs, or if you are willing to move, but North and South Carolina is in dire need of teachers.  Best of luck to you!

  2. You can become a general education teacher if you take the  praxis for the specific area you are wanting license in and pass it (ie elementary education, hs english, etc).  Theoretically, if you are a certified teacher in any area, all you need to do to add to your license is to take the praxis in any field (and pass of course) to become certified in that field.

  3. you can open your own art school. teach student  

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