
Masturbating?...? 10 points to best answer?

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umm wen i maturbate and reach the big 'o" i feel like i dont wanna do it again.. and after it burns, besides ky what can i use at home? and how come the inside is purple?




  1. try some C**t masturbating. give your hole a rest, its probably just irritated. buy a little pocket size vibrator..not like a d***o..but a C**t stimulator. orgasms are great and believe me there is no pain whatttt so ever, just pleasure =)

  2. umm, just stop all together

    but i have a question about a guy & it'd be awesome if u could help me out :;...

  3. purple?  burns?  honey, masturbation is supposed to feel good.  maybe you have an infection or something.  you can get those even if you haven't had s*x.

  4. Um, i don't know what your doing, but your not supposed to be burning or bruising or anything.

    It may be the way your doing it or where your doing it.  Just try something differnt and see if it's less pain ful and more pleasure ful :)

    P.S. don't listen to the people who tell u to stop cause it's bad, they don't know what they're talking about :))

  5. use spit it works for me and its purple cause the blood in the region is pressurized up in there and i know what you mean i just wanna fall asleep after lol

  6. If your useing lubricant it could be that.  Some people are allergic to certain kinds of lubricants and even latex.  Also if your masterbating a few times a day it could get irritated.

    You may want to talk to your doctor or if your not comfortable with that, perhaps a parent or sibling that you are close too. In the mean time maybe refrain from masterbation.  

  7. After the release you won't be able to do it again for at least a couple hours, that's normal.  The burning is normal since you are trying to achieve more then 1 O in more then a few minutes, just wait it off.  If you want to use a lubricant you can try vasoline or a professional brand lube, but 90+% of guys use purely their hand because it feels the best.  The inside of your p***s is purple because that's the color of the muscle that sperm passes through.

  8. Ummm after it burns?

    Your gunna beat yourself senseless

  9. i think the reason why you feel like you dont wanna do it again is because of guilt.  

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