
Masturbating? ahh? ?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, wow this is embarrassing but well i don't m********e a lot but last night i did. and well when i was done i seen blood on my finger and when i went to go clean myself down there, there was blood by the 2nd whole Virgina. i google it and it said i could be spotting, or my finger nail could of Tore a tissue or i broke my hyman. i don't know which one it is. i don't need a doctor because i am fine now. but how do you know which one it is? i know its not my period. and i did do it a little harder with my nail. is it ok to m********e again? i heard that its normal to have this sometimes? oh and i'm still a virgin. oh my haha i hope none of my contacts see this and think less of me. ok thank you all for helping ! xoxo LOL :]




  1. Noo, its nothing serious, you might of went to fair and broke your hyman, or you could of scratched it.  It's still okay to m********e, just do it carefully.!

    Good luck.!


  2. I could answer this one, but wouldn't. They may think I'm weirdER.

  3. erm , it will hardly be ur period lol mibbi youv just sctatched the inside of you >  

  4. ahh lol.

    i tthink you just dug to hard!

    lol might sound gross but that could be it :o

  5. Wow

    you probably just cut your wall with your nail and since its your first time it would be worse

    you are still a virgin dont worry

    I dont think less of you

    No problem

  6. Yeah its pretty normal.  im not sure how to tell which one it is tho. your nail may have tore something  and not known it.   haha.. you shouldmake a second account  so if you have t ask questions you can do it without fear of your contacts seeing and knowing its form you .  

  7. it could just be your period????

  8. First of all don't think you're less because you m********e. Many women do it and is a need as important and natural as eating or peeing to know your own body.

    The hymen is a tissue that encircles your vaginal area, the one that makes the entrance narrow, it is pink-transparent in color.

    It's ok to m********e again because, as I said before, is a way to know yourself better and what you will like when you start a sexual life later on. Try to do it more softer and with shorter fingernails to avoid bruising. Also wash your hands before masturbation to avoid infections.  
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