
Masturbating? when and how ?

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when do you m********e? I know it sounds retarded but i have a little brother and a share a room with him half the time at my dads house. And i dont know when to maturabate. Im starting to get alot of wet dreams now.




  1. Quietly in your bed perhaps, or as the other contributers have said, in the shower.  

  2. Ummm might be a good idea to do it when hes going to be out of the room for a long period of time.

  3. when ever you feel the need to m********e and dont have any alone time just go to the bathroom and take care of buisness. its as simple as that, there isnt a rule that says you have to do it in a certain place or at a certain time. just do it when ever and where ever you can be alone.

  4. I m********e 3 times a day. You jack off by taking your hands and rubing up and down on your d**k. I jack off when I pretend to take a **** in the bathroom

  5. The bathroom and the shower.

  6. BATHROOM!......

  7. I share a bedroom with my younger brother as well.

    During the day I do lock the bathroom door while I m********e but if I still need to at night I wait until he goes to sleep and do it under the covers with tissues ready for when I ***.

    It will probably work for you to, I have never been caught.

  8. Take it to the shower, dude!  That's what most guys do in your situation.

  9. LMAO. Doesn't matter, tell him to get out of the room or you will m********e right in front of him. If he doesn't comply, just whip out your d**k and choke the chicken.

  10. I do it almost daily.

    I'd m********e when I was in the shower if I were you or alone in the washroom.  


  11. in the bathroom ?

  12. s**y.

  13. .. bathroom?

  14. i agree, in the shower.

    and how? here's a hint: use your hands...

  15. I would say do it in bathroom

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