
Masturbation Doesn't Give Me Any Pleasure.?

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Hey guys I'm nearly 14 and I recently tried to m********e. I just went on RedTube until I got a hard on, then I tried to m********e (just grabbed my p***s and started moving up and down). It simply didn't feel good. Maybe it's because I only try it for a very short ammount of time (maybe 20 seconds), but I don't feel any pleasure at all. I think I'm at puberty stage 2 as I have around 15-odd pubic hairs but no hair under the arms or wet dreams. I've been trying for the last 6 months or so but no pleasure at all. Do you guys know what is wrong? I'm really starting to worry about my future s*x life as I am looking foward to it when I am older.




  1. you need to do it longer than 20 seconds.  Take it slow and be gentle until it feels good.  use some lube

  2. You need to change your pace, or maybe you just don't do it right. That sounds weird.

  3. Well this sounds kinda far fetched as in almost being 14 and knowing about but not how to m********e. And that your name is Woody haha, but anyways.

    Basically you're not really doing it right.

    I personally don't get much pleasure from masturbating until I reach a climax.

    Unless I use lubrication.

    Try doing it for longer until you reach a climax, or try using lubrication.

    That's just what I think.

  4. do it longer, and use some loob, Vaseline works.

  5. hmm.. maybe u should look up some tips online?;...

    answer my q

  6. [Note: I just edited points 1, 2 and 4 in the hope of making them more helpful].

    Please be patient - once you get the hang of it, it really will give you the most tremendous pleasure. You obviously get erections OK, so you're almost there! I hope the following suggestions will help:

    1. You don't need to start off by using pornography. In the days before the internet, most of us figured out how to m********e just by exploring what felt good; often we were too young to understand much about s*x - we just got these sensations that felt SO nice. One problem is that the effect of p**n tends to wear off after a time. You can then find yourself needing something more extreme to produce the same effect. I'm sure you can see how this leads to problems. It's much better to switch off the p**n rely on your own imagination - most males enjoy s**y fantasies when masturbating, which is normal and healthy. May even help you develop ideas you can use with a partner when the time comes.

    2. Keep trying for much longer. Please read this carefully - especially the first part, where the writer explains that he used to play with himself for quite long periods while watching television.

    He says "So for years I did that, and would play with my p***s almost the whole time I was watching cartoons, which was 3 or 4 hours until my mother chased me out to play."

    3. Concentrate particularly on the head of your p***s, and the parts where it joins the shaft. These are the most sensitive areas. Be GENTLE, and use your f******n if you're uncircumcised. Experiment to find what feels good for you - we're all different, and respond to different types of stimulus.

    4. Go to

    At the bottom of each page, click on "to next page" until you reach the end of the section.

    Some of the techniques in the "expert" section are a bit strange - you should heed any warning to be careful, and be sure to keep everything clean. As I said before - we're are all different, and respond to different types of stimulus, but there are a certainly a lot of ideas here. The site contains a vast amount of information about masturbation, much of it written to help people like you who are just getting started.

    5. To give yourself some encouragement, please read this, and be sure to read it ALL THROUGH - the beginning is a bit confusing:

    6. Ask further questions on Yahoo Answers as often as you like - we're here to help :-)  

    Good luck!

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