
Masturbation Frustration?

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My mother saw and caught me masturbating in front of the computer in the living room, and she just ignore it as if nothing had happened and just act normal the next day, I'm embarrassed, what should I do?




  1. She may be embarrassed as well.  Just let it go and in time it will get easier.

  2. She ignored it alright and went into another room and done it herself. what can she say it gave her an idea at the moment and it also was something that she has done herself, so what more can she say. But you go girl! I guess now I don't have to have that talk with her she already nows how.  

  3. its normal thing, so many people were caught by their mothers father siblings

    its nothing to be embarrassed,just when u r masturbating just lock your room or ask ur mom to knock the door when she comes in

    masturbating shud be done privately and its ur personal thing,so next time try to it when u are alone in a  locked room or shower  

  4. don't worry! it's normal. my mother also saw me but i did nothing!

  5. Use the bathroom for the next time. If you really need the computer, buy a laptop!

  6. kill her now.

    e non she come ha scritto odioso

    edit:visto?ho scatenato lo SPecial One,ora chi lo fermerà?

    e dài scherzavo.

  7. I would sit down and have a long talk with your mother and carefully explain to her that you expect to have some privacy when you m********e while looking at Internet p**n. If she is not agreeable then you may have to consider legal action. Good luck.  

  8. saw the sgogo sgranigella spam

  9. la masturbazione è un piacere nn una cmq nn x sapere i fatti vostri,ma in India nn avete proprio un kaxxo da fare ke vi fate i pikkoni??????

  10. hi im italian and i do the washing up and your name is mani and you use the mani wawawawa

  11. Ignore her.  It is natural and normal.  I'm sure your mom still masturbates today.


  13. you have to do nothing now. your mother will do. she will engage you with your life partner

  14. ignor her as well, it didnt happen  

  15. ahahahahhahahahahahhahahahah

    ke ridere

  16. I think that it's something you should just keep to yourself. People arent too comfortable when it comes to the girl masturbation thing. But it's a healthy and normal way to explore your body.

  17. O_o ahahahahahahha

  18. Kill she now. --- senti solo perchè sei finito sul meglio di answer non è che devi fare il professorone! kill SHE (lei) now! --- troppo tardi,il lato oscuro dello SPECIAL ONE è riemerso!

  19. Ignore it. She's embarrassed too. She knows people do this, so unless she's a religious nut, she's just going to try not to think about it. Ignore it. Embarrassing things happen once in awhile, and the best way to handle them is almost always to ignore them.  

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