
Masturbation Question...?

by  |  earlier

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Well I do it everyday and I want to cut down a little bit maybe to once a week, I normally do it just before bed time as it helps me go to sleep and make me feel really good.

What can I do to cut down?

Thanks and no silly answers.




  1. well i know what it is but i don't do it and don't feel like it plus i don't now how to lol but i don't see why you need to cut down

  2. First, you shouldn't feel bad about masturbating.  It's completely normal and healthy for both men and women, and if you're sexually active (I don't know how old you are) it can actually improve your s*x life by helping you understand what you like.  I guess what I'm saying is that it doesn't sound like you're masturbating obsessively or compulsively, so I'm not clear on why you want to cut back.

    But since you asked: try doing something else to relax before bed, like reading, watching tv, listening to music, or whatever gets you ready to go to sleep.  Get into a routine of going to bed at the same time and not sleeping too late in the mornings so that you'll go to sleep fairly promptly when you get in bed.

  3. Just get into the habit of doing other interesting things.....things you like to do more than masturbation....Good luck.

  4. Will power and something to disrcate yourself when you think about it.

  5. If it makes feel good do it, your not hurting anyone or yourself so enjoy. Its natural thing to do.

  6. Is this Jessica?

  7. personally i feel there is nothing wrong with doing everyday, and also id rather do that then have intercourse. i used to do it everyday, sometimes multiple times in a day, (when i had a vibrator) it eased my stress..

  8. Where armor.

  9. dont listen to the pervs. if u do it to feel good and sleep, replace it with sedatives and weed. thats y i smoke  

  10. i have the same problem i feel almost addicted to it but it doesnt hurt anyone


  11. no way to stop without just stopping or finding a way to go to sleep quicker. It's normal though, and if it's not causing problems, you don't need to stop

  12. i use to do it every nigh but i just tryed to go one day yes and the next no then i cut it down more. now i only do it when i feel like it. did it just a minute ago lol.

    dont cut down if you dont need to i mean its ur choice.

    what do you use!!

    i cant buy a d***o because someone in my house will find it and my mum has ocd so she cleans every inch of the house. i have to use other things...


  13. i'm not sure what masterbating is?could you answer that on the details.then i could answer.

  14. Masturbation is healthy, but as long as it isnt preventing you from homework, family time, and time with friends then it is ok to do before bed. If you want to cut down sit on your hands and maybe read a book before bed to help you get to sleep. ;)

  15. get a boyfriend

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