
Masturbation Weird??

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Is it normal to enjoy wearing a condom while Masturbating. I did it before and it felt very good but i was ashamed after. also i like to massage the prostate, is this wrong?




  1. Well at the end of the day you have to be the one who's satisfied after masturbation , so if it makes you feel good , then keep doing it.

  2. as long as you are loving it then keep doing it

  3. It's pretty much expected of you after like 13.

    Welcome to adolescence, sucker.

  4. If you enjoy it and your not hurting anyone,then no it is not wrong.Keep going and enjoying...

  5. overcome the shame and everything is alright

  6. It's fine, also avoids messy-ness!  

  7. What ever floats your boat mate

  8. Masturbation is not weird, it's normal. I used to think it was weird but with did some research and discoverded it's normal. It's a way to discover your body. Some religions consider it wrong but masturbation is part of being a human being and it's completely normal to m********e even if you have a sexual partner.

  9. As long as your happy with it then its ok.. Every one has their own way to  satisfy them especially when masturbating. I, myself enjoy rubbing my nipples and testicles while masturbating. It's not something i should be ashamed of because I know that I'm happy with it and I feel comfortable with it. Don't be ashamed for it

  10. masturbating is good.  Wearing a condom is good.  Practice wearing the condom is even better.  being ashamed for wearing a condom makes no sense, as there is nothing to be ashamed.   Massaging the prostrate is ok too and if it feels good do it, as no one can be the judge as a lot of guys do it for the same reason.  ENJOY it all.


  11. as long as you don't hurt yourself or others it's good for you to m********e. there is nothing to feel ashamed of and there is nothing wrong with massaging the prostate. many guys do it.

  12. Hmm, as long as you like it, nothing on earth is wrong as long as you have a reason.

  13.'s EVEN better if you let me help

  14. Hey, whatever floats your boat =) It's probably a good thing that you like stimulation with a condom on, you're more likely to wear condoms when having intercourse and that prevents all sorts of problems like STDs or pregnancy. Most guys don't like the feeling of a condom, and that's where all these problems stem from. And I heard the prostate is one of the most sexually sensitive parts of a man, sort of like the G spot on a lady. So go ahead, do whatever floats your boat!
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