
Masturbation and depression?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so im a girl, and i've been masturbating for a while(2 years)... it was great at first but now its sort of become like an addiction. and i'm feeling really depressed and anxious a lot of the time, so i numb the pain by masturbating.

But recently it's beginning to make me feel worthless and horrible. and i'm not really the type of person who believes in theories like it makes you go to h**l.

so why am i feeling all anxious, but its too hard to stop?





  1. i dont know why you feel anxious

    but i think you m********e just to take away or cover your feelings of being depressed

    if the depression is really bugging you i would suggest going to a proffesional and talking about it and possibly get some help or medication

  2. An o****m is a great way to get rid of stress.  It has become your way of handling pressure.  People do all kinds of things to handle stress, smoke, drink, drugs, gamble, spend money, clean, have s*x you name it all these things are a result or symptom of how a person gets themselves through stressful periods in their life.  Of course masturbations is healthy and natural but it sounds like it has become an emotional crutch for you and since you no longer find enjoyment in it but feel that you MUST do it suggests you need counseling to find a better healthier way to handle your emotions.  

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