
Mat Gamel looking to become first baseman for the Milwaukee Brewers – MLB News

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Mat Gamel looking to become first baseman for the Milwaukee Brewers – MLB News
There was an understandably frenetic buzz when the Milwaukee Brewers held itself off when it came to signing a contract with Prince Fielder. But as clouds of uncertainty have begun dispersing, it is now known the reason why the club had this composed approach.
The Milwaukee Brewers had placed their bet on Mat Gamel, a potentially first-rate first-baseman ready to replace Prince Fielder. He had emerged as the promising star in the Minor League, prompting the Milwaukee Brewers’ manager to give him a chance in the
Major League.
The fitness of the player is of crucial importance. He has a history of injuries as well. Two of the injuries, a sore throwing shoulder and a torn lat muscle in two consecutive years had reduced him to the disabled list.
But that did not stop there. Only last year did he have a rib-cage strain that caused immense problem for the player. In this context manager Roeincke’s statement should be read and understood when he commented on Gamel.
"Hopefully he comes to camp ready and in good shape," Roenicke said. "If Prince doesn't re-sign, [Gamel] deserves to get a shot at first base."
But when it comes to Gamel himself, he knows the responsibility he will be carrying on his shoulders in the days to come. He, understandably, is not thinking of replacing the accomplished Prince Fielder right now. As he elaborates it further. "That can mess
with your head," he said.
What sets the player apart is the fact that he had maintained an average of .304 in no less than seven seasons while in the Minors. Although he has a long way to go to establish his credence in the Major League, his performance in the Minor Leagues has already
won him attention and subsequent kudos.
"This offseason has been a lot different than the others," Gamel told The Sporting News. "I'm trying to go back in the best shape that I can."
With the 2012 Spring Training around the corner, it will be exciting to see how Gamel performs in the absence of Prince Fielder.



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