
Matasareanu LA bank robbery and shoot out

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Was medical assistance eventually called to try to treat Emil Matasareanu?

If police where able to use armor plated vehicles to evac the wounded civilans and police officer, why could they not do the same for Matasareanu?




  1. I am assuming (because I don't know) that Matasareanu is the bad guy? Why would anyone put there life in danger to save a bad guy?  

  2. From memory his family sued on just that basis and ultimatly it was thrown out or withdrawn. Police are concerned with civilians, other police and then the offender/s in that order. The court upholds this point of view and I believe the family withdrew their suit prior to trial.

    wiki on North Hollywood bank shootout for more info.

    by the way when resourses are limited, then he would have been triaged as last due to the above factors. 12 seriously wounded cops and 1 seriously wounded civilian, would have taken a lot of Ambulance who couldn't enter anway until they confirmed all offenders were contained or arrested. lets bear in mind they had fully auto AK-47's and G3 7.62mm rifles... they will go through most parts of  car bar the engine block

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